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    Space, Missiles, and Fighter Jets – The Compelling Work of Travion Crutcher, America’s Top Intern of 2022

    Growing up in the shadow of the Boeing JetPlex in Huntsville, Alabama, Travion Crutcher often found himself with his eyes on the sky, contemplating ideas about air travel, or fixed upon the latest toy that he was deconstructing and putting back together. 

    Travion always knew that he loved to build things, but it wasn’t until his mother sent him to space camp that he realized his passion could be turned into a pursuit. A pursuit that would involve him finding the answers to the questions he often asked himself regarding the way things worked in the world.

    This passion-turned-pursuit would eventually manifest itself into a role at Boeing, the same company he grew up a few miles away from, working on everything from fighter jets to missile defense systems at one of the most cutting-edge aerospace companies in the world. 

    As WayUp’s Top Intern of 2022, Travion Crutcher exemplified everything companies look for in an ideal candidate. He applies his passions, he is brave in his decision-making, he tempers wisdom with curiosity, and he exudes confidence with everything he does. 

    Recently, we got the chance to speak with Travion regarding his rocket-sized dreams and how they came to fruition during his tenure with Boeing. In our conversation, Travion reveals what it takes to be recognized by your employers and peers on a national level and sheds some insight on the exciting work he took part in the past two summers.

    Setting His Sights for the Stars

    In addition to the support of his mother, the factors that Travion felt amplified his potential the most are his early involvement in leadership and education-based programs, his organization and execution skills, and his unquenchable curiosity for the unknown.

    Travion’s responses to my questions would increasingly shed light on the confidence he had. When I asked him if he had always been this way, he answered in the affirmative and went on to highlight the leadership positions he held from a young age.

    Holding down a leadership role in his community as well as immersing himself in the world of engineering, Travion maintained a busy schedule even from a young age. I inquired about how he kept himself on track and he pointed toward his organizational skills.

    Although he may not be the first person to use this method, Travion would employ the “aim and shoot” method in which every day started with a list of goals on a whiteboard that would get checked off as tasks get done.

    In addition to his commitment to developing everything he learned during his immersions as a young man, Travion’s undying curiosity can also be attributed to propelling him towards success at Boeing and WayUp’s National Intern Competition.

    “I was always curious how planes fly or how these big rockets get all the way to space. That’s what pushed me to pursue aerospace and aerospace-related subjects. Growing up my mom got me involved in a lot of stem-related things. I even got involved in a week-long NASA experiment camp where I met people all across the world.”Travion Crutcher, WayUp Top Intern of 2022

    Eventually, when the chance came, Travion knew he had to take his passion and everything he learned to the next level. So he set his sights on the company he grew up knowing so well for their accolades in engineering – Boeing.

    Do I Need Clearance For That?

    As an intern in both 2021 and 2022, Travion Crutcher’s work with Boeing spanned from fighter jets to missile technology. Although he wasn’t able to tell me much about the work he took part in this past summer, as it relates to top secret advancements in military technology, that only made what he did or didn’t do seem that much cooler. 

    What Travion could share with me, however, is how working across different sectors provided him with an advanced understanding of engineering concepts and a deeper appreciation of the things he was developing.

    At times, it was hard to believe that I was talking to an intern as the experiences that Travion described to me were in no way minimal. But that is the beauty of companies like Boeing – they empower employees at every level to succeed and achieve greatness in whatever realm makes them most passionate. It was clear that Travion felt this way as he would remark on his appreciation of the company that got him to where he is very often.

    Earning a well-deserved vacation, Travion will be spending part of his prize money on an ATV excursion out in Houston where he will be celebrating his anniversary with his girlfriend. If you take anything from Travion Crutcher’s story, know that passion will always fuel your efforts. So if you love something enough, pursue it, and maybe you too can ride off into the Texas sunset with a bag in your hand.

    Stay tuned for 2023 as our competition unfolds again and a new queen or king is crowned! More

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    How to Turn Your Summer Internship Into a Full-Time Job

    So you landed a summer internship – congratulations! Now that you’ve made the obligatory Facebook/LinkedIn post and changed that status to employed, you may be thinking about what you can do to make a lasting impression at one of your first big jobs. 

    And no, it doesn’t have to do with what you’re going to wear on your first day of work. At least not entirely…

    As a job marketplace, we at WayUp have seen internships of all shapes and sizes. And after witnessing so many talented minds crush their summer internships and secure full-time jobs, we have identified five key factors that contributed to their success.

    1. Engage, But Don’t Overwhelm

    One very common mindset you might have going into your summer internship, especially if it’s one of your first professional experiences, is to engage and chat with as many people as possible. And while this is true, to a certain extent, you have to do so mindfully

    If you are preparing to introduce yourself to someone or speak up, make sure you’re not doing so on impulse. Think it through and ask yourself if it’s really worth saying. Upper management doesn’t want someone around who is constantly asking questions or always contributing their two cents. So make sure what you’re saying really carries weight.

    Think – does what you have to say contribute to the task at hand? Are you presenting a new angle or perspective? At the end of the day, people will judge you more on the quality of your thoughts rather than the quantity.

    2. Dress to Impress

    This next suggestion is really obvious when it comes to summer internships yet gets overlooked in so many ways. Depending on the company you’re interning for, what you are expected to wear will vary. So when you’re starting out don’t be afraid to ask your hiring manager what they expect you to wear and take note of what fellow colleagues are wearing to guide your wardrobe choices.

    Another important rule to remember is not to let your wardrobe slack just because you’re remote or virtually employed. It is easy (and really nice) to go throughout the day wearing PJs but putting that extra effort into your attire, even in less than formal video conferences, will make a lasting impression on the people you work with during your summer internship.

    Alongside a proper wardrobe, you should also strive to maintain proper hygiene. And it’s just the simple things! Brush your teeth, take a shower, and wear deodorant. No one wants to work with someone who smells bad. Plus, it might make it hard to get invited to the company happy hour.

    3. Observe Like a Hawk

    During your summer internship, you will be learning an incredible amount of information in an incredibly short amount of time. This being the case, you have to observe and digest every single piece of information and stimuli you see. 

    Is there a certain way your manager likes to receive deliverables? Make that your bible. Notice a certain employee receiving a lot of praise? Study what they’re doing and replicate it. Did you overhear the CEO’s assistant saying they only drink one type of super rare coffee from Peru? Go find some and secure your future job!

    The faster you are able to pick up on things in your summer internship and adapt to your new working environment the more you will show your employer that you deserve a permanent position. 

    4. Volunteer for Everything

    It doesn’t matter if it’s to pick up lunch, lead a new project, or squash a bug, if you volunteer for everything you not only become someone people can rely on but someone with experience as well, bug-related or otherwise.

    Every time you take up a new task you get the chance to show someone that you can do something right. Naturally, responsibilities will grow and tasks will get more important as long as you’re doing them well. Eventually, those tasks could become recurring and make your importance at the company increase.

    5. Send Authentic Follow-Ups

    Depending on the size of your internship class, your manager and the active employees at the company you worked with are bound to get tons of follow-ups from former interns who want a job. So you’re going to have to make sure what you say really resonates with who you’re saying it to. 

    Maybe you have a certain memory of them you wanted to recount. Or something they taught you that you wanted to thank them for. Or maybe you just wanted to ask them for more advice. Whatever you’re doing, make sure it doesn’t sound like a copy and paste message.

    It can be strategic to think of this while participating in your summer internship as it can lead to a more genuine and organic follow-up later on. So make sure you’re taking the time to form meaningful connections with the people around you.

    Rinse & Repeat

    Before you get that corner office, you need to get a full-time job, and before you get that full-time job, you’re going to need to make a lasting impression during your summer internship. So if you want to make sure you make it through try-outs, keep this list handy and read it before your first night of work.

    Haven’t found a summer internship to show off how great you are just yet? Browse all our current openings here! More

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    5 (Non-Technical) Roles You Thought You Wouldn’t Find In T-Mobile’s Internship Program

    When you think of working at T-Mobile, technology is probably the first thing on your mind. You might picture rows of bespectacled programmers and engineers with sketches and pencils behind their ears. And that makes sense, too: They’re a wireless company leading the charge on 5G technology with one of the coolest summer tech internship programs around.
    But there’s way more than just technology at a company like T-Mobile—and that goes for internships, too.
    To learn more about some of the coolest non-technology roles at T-Mobile, we spoke to two recruiters for their internship program: Sean and Corey. Here are five great internships they told us about that could be your next summer gig.
    1. Strategy Internship
    “The Strategy Group are our internal consultants,” Sean says.
    This means, like people at major consulting firms, they work on innovative, high-level solutions to different business issues at T-Mobile. While that’s a broad description, so is the stuff they come up with. They could propose a new product offering, an investment in a bleeding-edge technology, or even a new methodology for an existing process that benefits the company and the customers.
    But that’s not the reason they’re one of Sean’s favorite roles to recruit for.
    “They work on cool, top-secret projects,” Sean says. “One example that’s now public: T-Mobile Money. It’s essentially a banking solution for T-Mobile customers.”
    Perfect For You If: You have experience in consulting, either at a big firm or a brand like T-Mobile.
    2. Events Internship
    “The events team does a little bit of everything,” Corey, who recruits events interns, explains. “Everything from our sponsorships and partnerships, like with major league baseball or our Pride events. We have a huge sponsorship partnership with Lollapalooza.”
    Events interns might put together a reception for T-Mobile investors at a baseball game in Seattle. They might also attend Lollapalooza and run a T-Mobile tent with swag, music, raffles, and more. It’s a hands-on role that deals with behind-the-scenes marketing aspects as well as logistics and execution for live, in-person events.
    “It’s more than a typical marketing role,” Corey says. “Although we have tons of marketing opportunities, this one is perfect for people with a specific interest in event planning as well.”
    Perfect For You If: You want to gain or have experience in event planning, brand repping, or other forms of in-person marketing.
    3. Corporate Social Responsibility Internship
    “Corporate Social Responsibility is a department dedicated to giving back and making a positive change in the world,” Corey says.
    The CSR intern takes on responsibilities that range from human resources—like creating a place in the employee benefits portal to make donations—to partnership management—like setting up volunteer days with charitable organizations. It’s a wide-ranging corporate office role that ultimately contributes to one incredible mission: Giving back to the communities that make T-Mobile what it is.
    Perfect For You If: You have experience in non-profit work, fundraising, or want to start a business career with a high social impact.
    4. Emerging Products Internship
    “The Emerging Products group also works on hush-hush projects,” Sean says. “But their main goal is to pave the way for T-Mobile products that will help shape the future.”
    This role is a combination of business development, technology, and partnership management. But what’s really exciting about it is that they’re building the future, not just for T-Mobile but for the millions of people who will use these products and services. Despite the clandestine nature of the work, Sean was able to tell us one category of product they’re working on: T-Mobile Home, the company’s answer to home internet and entertainment services.
    “They just launched a pilot out in Grand Rapids, Michigan,” he says. ”I’m proud because I know some of our interns worked on this project. And now people are using it for their home internet service.”
    Perfect For You If: You want to work on a cross-functional tech/business team on cutting-edge technology projects (aka building the future).
    5. Corporate Real Estate
    “You’d probably never look at T-Mobile and think you could get into real estate there,” Corey says. “But you really can.”
    As a massive company with thousands of employees, T-Mobile obviously has a growing need for office space. But even more important is the real estate required to build the 5G infrastructure of the future. (Read more about the field engineers working on this here.) This team works on the acquisition, planning, and development of these essential real estate projects for T-Mobile.
    “They’ll do everything from plotting our cell towers to picking and designing the next office,” she says. “And there are huge opportunities because of our merger with Sprint.”
    Perfect For You If: You’re studying real estate, development, or want to focus on a more operational business area.
    These Roles Are Just The Tip Of The Iceberg—Your Dream Internship Awaits You At T-Mobile
    No matter what your educational background or professional ambitions are, there’s a place for you at T-Mobile. That goes for your personality, too. The company’s #BleedMagenta culture  means they’re looking for people who—above all else—are passionate about changing wireless to make it better for the people using it.
    Think you’d look majestic in magenta? Check out open roles at T-Mobile on WayUp! More