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    Crafting a Team Brick by Brick: LEGO Group’s Talent Quest

    Certain brands hold a cherished spot in our memories, yet landing someone’s dream job doesn’t automatically guarantee they’re the right match for your team.
    In a recent episode of the Employer Branding Podcast, we delve into the world of Andrew Paterson, the Global Employer Brand and Talent Attraction Lead at the LEGO Group. Discover how they tackle this distinctive talent puzzle while infusing a spirit of joy and play into their recruitment strategy.
    The Power of Play
    The LEGO Group, a venerable 90-year-old family enterprise, has blossomed into the world’s top toy company by revenue. Its name, derived from the Danish phrase “leg godt,” translates to “play well.” Almost everyone has fond memories of tinkering with their vibrant plastic bricks.
    While other iconic brands like PepsiCo or Mars grapple with luring talent for unconventional roles, Paterson faces a unique scenario. LEGO is inundated with applications for every position they offer. “The majority, if not all of our time is spent managing applications,” Paterson notes. “Because of the power of our brand, everyone wants to be a LEGO designer.” Thus, the challenge lies in pinpointing the best candidates while ensuring those who miss out still leave with a positive experience, remaining lifelong aficionados.
    Fostering an Employer Branding Oasis
    LEGO’s employer branding and talent attraction endeavors have yielded remarkable results, with a 45% team expansion since 2020. However, achieving such growth necessitated substantial effort from Paterson and his lean team.
    With a global footprint encompassing 5 main regional hubs, 37 sales offices, 5 manufacturing sites, and over 500 retail stores, LEGO needed to showcase employee narratives from diverse locales and roles. Amidst this, they revamped their careers page and launched “Behind the Bricks,” a content hub consolidating all employer brand content.
    The EVP Epiphany
    To craft their Employee Value Proposition (EVP), Paterson and his team conducted colleague research groups and collaborated with an agency to gauge applicant insights and employer brand perception. This led to the identification of six core LEGO values: fun, creativity, learning, caring, quality, and imagination.
    These values permeate every facet of LEGO’s operations, from factory floor diligence to the intricacies of employer branding. An annual tradition dubbed Play Day underscores this ethos, where employees worldwide pause work to immerse in the joy of learning through play. This year’s theme, “The Mysteries of Play,” fostered a day of collaborative detective work. Moreover, LEGO integrates play into daily tasks, with bricks and communal builds adorning every office.
    Culminating these principles, Paterson and his team coined their EVP: “Imagine building your dream career.” It perfectly encapsulates LEGO’s essence, promising not just a job but an adventure brimming with fun.

    To stay updated on Andrew Paterson’s employer branding insights, connect with him on LinkedIn. For assistance in sculpting your company’s values and culture, reach out for guidance.
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    The Science of Attraction: Thermo Fisher’s Data-Powered Employer Branding

    In the ever-evolving world of talent acquisition, employer branding reigns supreme. It’s the alchemy of company culture, employee experience, and reputation distilled into a potent elixir that attracts and retains the best minds. But how do we know if this potent brew is actually working? For many, measuring the impact of employer branding remains an elusive quest.
    Enter Thermo Fisher Scientific, a global behemoth straddling the realms of pharma, life sciences, and chemical research. With a million products, from electron microscopes to cancer treatments and specialized roles spanning the globe, filling their talent pool is no small feat. Yet, amidst this scientific labyrinth, Thermo Fisher has cracked the code of employer branding measurement, not through guesswork, but through cold, complex data.
    Their secret weapon? A multi-pronged approach that delves beyond superficial metrics like website visits and applications. Here, we dissect Thermo Fisher’s strategies, revealing the science behind their employer branding success:
    The Triple Helix of Engagement:
    Thermo Fisher’s framework is built on three key pillars:

    Website: Beyond the Clickbait: They don’t get fooled by vanity metrics. Instead, they dissect their careers site with laser precision. Kenty Brumant, their Senior Manager of Talent Attraction and Employer Brand, advocates for splitting visitors into new and returning. This exposes how effectively they attract fresh talent, while also gauging their site’s ability to retain and engage existing candidates. But Brumant doesn’t stop there. He tracks time spent on non-application pages, understanding that the longer candidates explore, the higher the chance of them signing up for job alerts, applying, or simply absorbing the company’s essence.

    Social Media: The Conversation Amplifier: Thermo Fisher leverages the Employer Brand Index (EBI) to gauge public perception. However, they’re not passive listeners. They actively seek out conversations happening across platforms, not just on job boards or the usual social media suspects. A prime example? When recruiting data scientists, they discovered the relevant buzz happening not on LinkedIn, but on Stack Overflow, a programmer’s haven. This led to the creation of a dedicated Thermo Fisher page on the platform, attracting the niche talent they craved.

    Internal Advocacy: The Employee Pulse: Thermo Fisher knows their greatest brand ambassadors aren’t external influencers but their own employees. They conduct regular internal surveys not to gather dust but to generate actionable insights and quick wins for each business group. These range from encouraging employee storytelling to soliciting reviews and boosting engagement. But it doesn’t stop there. They partner with HR to track crucial metrics like internal mobility, diversity and inclusion, and corporate social responsibility. This data adds context to survey results and helps tailor their employer branding efforts for maximum impact.

    The External Seal of Approval:
    Their data-driven approach isn’t just self-congratulatory. Thermo Fisher’s #7 ranking on the prestigious Fortune 500 Candidate Experience Report speaks volumes. It’s external validation that their meticulous measurement translates to tangible results, attracting top talent and creating a desirable employer brand.
    Unveiling the Blueprint:
    So, what can we learn from Thermo Fisher’s scientific approach to employer branding?

    Go Beyond the Superficial: Don’t get caught up in vanity metrics. Dig deeper into engagement, conversion, and internal feedback to paint a holistic picture.

    Embrace the Conversation: Listen actively to what people are saying about you on social media and beyond. Adapt your strategy to meet them where they are, not just on the usual platforms.

    Empower Your Employees: They are your biggest advocates. Leverage their insights and enthusiasm to build an authentic brand from within.

    Quantify and Validate: Track key metrics and use HR data to add context. External recognition like industry awards serves as valuable validation for your efforts.

    Remember, measuring employer branding isn’t about finding a single magic number. It’s about understanding what matters to your audience and using that knowledge to build a strong, authentic brand that resonates with the talent you seek. Thermo Fisher Scientific has shown us that through a data-driven approach, we can not only measure the impact of employer branding, but also harness its power to attract and retain the best minds in the game. Now, it’s your turn to write your own scientific success story.

    To follow Kenty Brumant’s work in employer brand, connect with him on LinkedIn. For help gathering data and insights you can act on to improve your own company, get in touch.
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    Activision Blizzard’s Talent Attraction Strategy: Three Brands, Three EVPs

    Activision Blizzard is a well-known name in the video game industry, with three distinct brands: King, Blizzard Entertainment, and Activision. Each brand has its own unique identity and EVP (employee value proposition), which helps the company attract and retain top talent. In this episode of our Employer Branding Podcast, we talk to Alex Horner, the Global Head of Talent Attraction at Activision Blizzard, about how they manage three separate brands for three unique game studios.

    The Unique Talent Challenges of the Video Game Industry
    Making video games is a complex process that requires a wide range of skills, from game design and engineering to art and animation. “There are so many incredibly niche roles and skillsets needed to make games,” says Horner, “and we need to articulate why someone with such an in-demand skillset might want to join us and what the benefit they would get from coming here might be.”
    One of the challenges of attracting talent to the video game industry is that it is a very competitive field. There are many different companies vying for the same talent, so it is important to have a strong EVP that will resonate with potential hires.
    Activision Blizzard’s Three Distinct EVPs
    Activision Blizzard has developed three distinct EVPs for its three brands:

    Activision: “Great games start with great people.” This EVP is focused on attracting talent who is passionate about creating blockbusters for the largest audience possible.

    Blizzard Entertainment: “Entertain the universe.” This EVP is focused on attracting talent who is passionate about creating genre-defining titles that are known for their fantasy and immersion.

    King: “Make the world playful.” This EVP is focused on attracting talent who is passionate about creating inclusive games that are accessible to a wide audience.

    Why Employee Advocacy Is Key to Activision Blizzard’s EVP Activation
    Activision Blizzard has found that employee advocacy is a key to activating its EVPs. “We really wanted to put our people at the heart of the storytelling and to have them tell the story on our behalf,” says Horner. The company has an employee advocacy program that identifies employees who are a good fit and takes them through a structured learning and development program to help them build their personal brand.
    The employee advocacy program has been very successful in helping Activision Blizzard attract top talent. With 55 people in the program, they collectively have 500,000 followers on LinkedIn and generate 2-4 million impressions on a monthly basis.
    The Benefits of Activision Blizzard’s EVP Strategy
    Activision Blizzard’s EVP strategy has a number of benefits for the company:

    It helps the company attract top talent in a competitive field.
    It helps the company differentiate its brands and attract talent to the right studio.
    It helps the company create a strong employer brand that is known for its passion for creating great games.

    Activision Blizzard’s EVP strategy is a great example of how companies can use employer branding to attract and retain top talent. By developing distinct EVPs for its brands, the company is able to attract talent with the skills and experience it needs to be successful. The company’s employee advocacy program is also a key part of its EVP strategy, and it has been very successful in helping the company attract top talent.
    Activision Blizzard’s EVP strategy is a complex and multifaceted approach to employer branding. However, it is a strategy that is working well for the company, and it is one that other companies can learn from.

    To follow Alex Horner’s work in employer brand, connect with him on LinkedIn. For help with your own EVP, get in touch. We help you identify the values and culture you want to create in your company.
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    Netflix: An Employer Brand Built on Freedom and Responsibility

    When it comes to company culture, Netflix is a force to be reckoned with. Its famous “Freedom & Responsibility Culture” presentation has made waves and introduced ideas that are now commonplace, like unlimited paid time off and a radical approach to employee empowerment.
    But what’s really behind Netflix’s unique approach to company culture? And how do they attract and recruit top talent in both tech and entertainment?
    We sat down with Sergio Ezama, Chief Human Resources Officer at Netflix, to find out.
    Simplicity is Key
    At Netflix, everything is based on five simple principles:

    Encourage decision-making by employees
    Share information openly, broadly, and deliberately
    Communicate candidly and directly
    Keep only your highly effective people
    Avoid rules

    These guidelines inform all sorts of management policies at Netflix, from their unlimited vacation policy to their five-word expense policy: “Act in Netflix’s best interest.”
    This management structure, which Netflix sums up as “highly aligned and loosely coupled,” enables them to grow while still retaining the ability to make big pivots quickly. In short, it’s how they were able to transition from mailing DVDs directly to customers into becoming a video streaming platform, and then make the jump into producing their own high-quality content.
    Working with the Best
    Ezama quickly points out that the Netflix culture memo is an external document, not an internal one. They want it to be the first thing a candidate reads about the company and the first document you receive if you’re applying for a job.
    “We want to strike a balance between being a bit different, being credible, and being aspirational,” Ezama says. That means putting what they stand for front and center and being OK with the fact that it’s not going to appeal to everyone. The work is challenging, and excellence is expected because that’s what it takes to be the best at what you do.
    For Ezama and the candidates he’s looking for, the chance to be on a dream team that comes together to solve very challenging problems makes working at Netflix so rewarding. It’s the central Employer Value Proposition that drives all of their employer branding work.
    “Industries will change over time, and cultures will change over time,” he says, “but working with the best people is something that will remain constant.”
    Measuring Success
    As the CHRO of a large organization, Ezama is passionate about measuring the success of employer branding efforts. When someone comes to him with an idea, the first thing he’s looking for is conviction. Are you passionate about this? Are you really, truly behind this? And secondly, what is the evidence? What output can we measure?
    At Netflix, they rely on the Employer Brand Index to give them the data they need to measure their employer branding efforts. “The work that we do with Link Humans helps us understand if we’re being competitive or not, not only with Netflix but also relative to those we compete against,” Ezama says.
    So, what’s the takeaway?
    Netflix is a company that is committed to simplicity, excellence, and working with the best people. If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding work environment where you can be part of a dream team that solves big problems, then Netflix might be the place for you.
    But be warned: Netflix is not for everyone. The work is challenging and excellence is expected. If a candidate is not up for the challenge, then it’s probably best to look elsewhere.
    But if they are ready to join a team of the best and brightest minds in the world, then Netflix is the place to be.

    To follow Sergio Ezama’s work, connect with him on LinkedIn. For help gathering data and insights you can act on to improve your own company, get in touch.
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    How Mars Used the Employer Brand Index to Refresh Their EVP

    Developing an employer value proposition (EVP) is essential for any organization that wants to attract and retain top talent.
    The EVP is a statement that summarizes the unique value that a company offers to its employees. It is a promise to employees about what they can expect in terms of compensation, benefits, development opportunities, and overall work experience.
    An EVP is essential for any organization that wants to attract and retain top talent. It helps communicate the company’s culture and values and shows potential employees why they should choose to work there.
    But how do you know if your EVP is working? And how do you know when it’s time for a refresh?
    That’s where Link Humans’ Employer Brand Index (EBI) comes in. The EBI is a comprehensive analysis of your employer brand that tells you what candidates, employees, and alumni are saying about your company online.
    Mars, Inc. is a global company with over 140,000 employees in 80 countries. They recently used the EBI to guide an EVP refresh for their organization.

    Refreshing an EVP on a Global Scale
    Mars is a complex organization with a wide range of businesses. Their EVP needed to be something that could resonate with employees and candidates all over the world.
    The first step in the refresh process was to conduct an EBI survey. The survey asked respondents about their perceptions of Mars on a variety of factors, including career development, culture and values, and work-life balance.
    The results of the survey showed that Mars had a strong reputation among its employees and candidates. However, there were a few areas where the company could improve. For example, respondents felt that Mars could do more to promote its mission and purpose.
    Using the EBI to Supplement Internal Surveys and Focus Groups
    In addition to the EBI report, Mars also conducted internal surveys and focus groups. These surveys and focus groups provided additional insights into the company’s culture and employee satisfaction.
    However, the EBI data had some advantages over the internal surveys and focus groups. First, the EBI survey was anonymous, which allowed respondents to be more honest. Second, the EBI survey reached a wider audience, including candidates and alumni.
    How Mars Uses the EBI
    Mars now uses the EBI to measure the effectiveness of its EVP on a regular basis. The company also uses the EBI to inform its decision-making on a variety of topics, such as talent acquisition, employee engagement, and corporate communications.
    Establishing Your EBI Baseline
    The EBI is a valuable tool for any organization that wants to attract and retain top talent. By using the EBI, you can get a clear understanding of how your employer brand is perceived by candidates, employees, and alumni. This information can help you to identify areas where you can improve your EVP and make your organization a more attractive place to work.
    To follow Marie Codet’s work in employer brand, connect with her on LinkedIn. For help gathering data and insights you can act on to improve your own company, get in touch.
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    How to Use Your Employer Brand to Reduce Hiring Costs

    The success of every company hinges on its people. But attracting the best talent isn’t always an easy feat. Companies often invest significant amounts of money into the bottom of the recruitment process — job boards and recruiters. But at Flexa, we’ve found that a great employer brand can reduce hiring costs whilst attracting the high-quality candidates your company needs to grow.
    At its simplest, employer branding is a combination of:

    Your employee value proposition (EVP), which will probably centre around your working environment and flexible working policies

    Your company culture

    Your employees’ voices.

    And then, importantly, knowing exactly how and where to shout about all this hard work!
    Here’s how it’s done.
    1. Identify your Employee Value Proposition
    A strong employer brand is built on authenticity, transparency, and a positive reputation. Start by working out what you want to be known for, what you represent, and what you can offer employees that other companies can’t (this is your EVP). This is the perfect time to identify any areas for improvement that don’t reflect positively on your brand. It’s never too late to shake up company culture to attract and retain a happy team.
    When setting out your EVP, make sure to be authentic. There’s no point in making promises you can’t keep, as this only leads to disgruntled new hires later on.
    Once you’ve identified your EVP and what makes you unique, you can start shouting about it.
    2. Leverage social media
    Social media is an indispensable tool for employer branding. Create a strong presence on relevant platforms (at Flexa we love LinkedIn) and consistently share content that reflects your company’s culture, values, and employee achievements. Engage with potential candidates through relevant hashtags and participate in industry discussions (hosting your webinars can be a great way to draw people in). By utilizing these platforms effectively, you can reach a broader talent pool and reduce reliance on expensive recruitment agencies or job boards by having talent excited to be part of your company when you are ready to hire.
    3. Encourage employee advocacy
    There are no better advocates for your company than those who already work for you. They’re your biggest ambassadors and the most authentic marketing tool. Encourage employees to share their positive experiences and wins on social media; and amplify their stories through company channels and website testimonials. At Flexa, our team often posts about how they’re making the most of flexible work.
    By leveraging employee voices, you can tap into the networks of trusted employees whilst giving potential candidates an invaluable window into your world, so they can make an educated decision about whether you’re the right fit for them.
    Remember though, this needs to be authentic: people are smart; they can tell when someone has been told to post something nice about a company. The real stories from real employees will have a much more significant impact!
    4. Shake up your success metrics
    Many companies will measure their employer brand’s success using applications and hires alone. But your employer brand is far more extensive than that, so you need to evolve the marketing metrics you use to measure it.
    Employer brand is a strategic marketing effort. Therefore, when starting out, consider measuring the success of your efforts using metrics like reach (impressions/profile views on company and employee pages), engagement (company saves/likes/subscribes/ speculative interest), and audience relevance (diversity/geography/ skills of candidates coming through the pipeline).
    Lower down the funnel, you need to measure applications and hires, as well as things like alignment and diversity. If you focus on getting maximum relevant reach to start with, you will drive down your ultimate cost to hire.
    5. Foster positive candidate experiences
    Treating candidates with respect and providing them with a positive experience during the hiring process can significantly impact your employer brand. Maintain clear communication throughout the process, provide timely feedback, and offer a smooth and efficient application process. Even if a candidate is not selected, leaving them with a positive impression can lead to recommendations or future applications. This approach helps build a strong employer brand and reduces the need for extensive and costly recruitment efforts in the future.
    6. Don’t just focus on employer brand when you’re hiring
    An employer brand doesn’t just need your attention when you’ve got roles to fill. If you want to build a strong talent pipeline, you need to have a true focus on your employer brand all year round.
    Rather than forcing applications reactively when you have vacancies, focus on proactively nurturing relationships with potential candidates and engaging with passive candidates online, on platforms like Flexa, and at networking events and conferences all year round. Maintain regular communication with these individuals using the free channels at your disposal. Being consistent in these efforts will pay dividends when it comes to bringing great talent through the pipeline and reducing your cost to hire.
    Employer branding should be an essential part of your talent attraction and marketing strategy. If you’re not doing it, take a few steps to get started. It’s easy once you know how.
    By Beth Carter, Head of Growth at Flexa.
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    The Rise of Passive Candidate Recruitment

    The global talent shortage is a major challenge for businesses of all sizes. In the United States alone, there are currently 11 million open jobs. This means that there are more job openings than people are looking for work.
    One way that businesses are addressing this challenge is by targeting passive candidates. Passive candidates are people who are not actively looking for a new job, but who might be open to a new opportunity if the right one comes along.
    There are several reasons why businesses are targeting passive candidates. First, the pool of passive candidates is much larger than the pool of active candidates. This means that businesses have a better chance of finding the right talent by targeting passive candidates.
    Second, passive candidates are often more experienced and qualified than active candidates. This is because passive candidates are typically already employed and have been successful in their current roles.
    Third, passive candidates are more likely to be a good fit for the company culture. This is because passive candidates are not actively looking for a new job, so they are more likely to be happy with their current situation.
    Atlas World Group’s Approach to Passive Candidate Recruitment
    Atlas World Group is a global logistics company that has been struggling to fill key positions in IT and technology. In order to address this challenge, they have shifted their focus to primarily targeting passive candidates.
    Atlas’s approach to passive candidate recruitment is two-fold. First, they use LinkedIn Recruiter to target passive candidates who have the skills and experience they are looking for. Second, they leverage the social media of their current team members to share job openings with their networks.
    The Benefits of Targeting Passive Candidates
    There are several benefits to targeting passive candidates. First, it allows businesses to reach a wider pool of potential talent. Second, it gives businesses the opportunity to build relationships with passive candidates before they are actively looking for a new job. Third, it allows businesses to target passive candidates who are a good fit for their company culture.

    Start by building a strong employer brand. Passive candidates are more likely to be interested in your company if they have a positive impression of your brand.
    Make it easy for passive candidates to learn about your open positions. Your job postings should be clear and concise, and you should make it easy for candidates to apply online.
    Personalize your outreach. When you reach out to passive candidates, take the time to personalize your message. This will show that you are genuinely interested in their skills and experience.
    Highlight your company culture. Passive candidates are more likely to be interested in a company that has a strong culture. Be sure to highlight your company culture in your outreach materials.
    Offer opportunities for growth. Passive candidates are often looking for opportunities to grow their careers. Be sure to highlight the opportunities for growth that your company offers.

    The global talent shortage is a major challenge for businesses of all sizes. However, by targeting passive candidates, businesses can increase their chances of finding the right talent. Atlas World Group is a great example of a company that has successfully implemented a passive candidate recruitment strategy. By following Atlas’s example, businesses can overcome the challenges of the global talent shortage and find the right talent to help them achieve their goals.

    To follow Kelly Cruse’s work in employer brand, connect with her on LinkedIn. For help identifying the values and culture you want to create in your company, get in touch.
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    Building a Flexible Employer Brand for a Multinational Media Company

    NBCUniversal is a media company with more than twenty businesses in thirty countries, including theme parks, television stations, motion pictures, and premium streaming services. With so many diverse brands and localities, creating an EVP (Employer Value Proposition) that works for all of them is a significant challenge. Anne Hurley, Director of Talent Branding at NBCUniversal, discusses the process of executing an EVP refresh for one of the world’s largest multinational media companies and building the flexibility to activate it across a wide variety of brands and countries in an interview with the Employer Branding Podcast.
    Setting Objectives for Employer Brand
    To articulate an EVP that works for all the different brands, NBCUniversal started by laying out the Talent Acquisition organization’s goals as a whole. They decided on setting objectives around brand awareness and engagement, employee experience, DEI, and recruiting excellence. These objectives helped steer the process and defined what they were trying to get out of their new EVP and how they should measure success across all brands.
    EVP Built on Flexibility
    NBCUniversal is a decentralized company, with properties operating independently. Hurley says, “our job is to influence them at each point of the candidate lifecycle.” They needed to create an EVP that brought everything together and was flexible enough to work equally for NBC News and Peacock streaming.
    They began with a research phase by hosting employee roundtables, looking at internal data collection, and engaging with external vendors. They then took those findings and got together with other internal groups like Corporate Creative and Corporate Communications to distill everything into the tagline: “Here you can.”
    “It’s simple, right? But that’s why it works,” Hurley says, “it acts as a ‘fill in the blank’ where we can insert language at the end of the phrase based on personas, skillsets, or interests. It doesn’t need to compete with our consumer brands—it’s simply complimentary.” For example, for E! News, it might be articulated as “Here you can be Pop Cultured,” or if they wanted to speak to their DEI initiatives, it might become “Here you can be authentically you.” Their EVP is powerful because it can be articulated differently to different personas.
    Activating EVP Globally
    Hurley’s Talent Branding organization has been working to make localization a priority. “Our brand does not resonate with people in the UK or Germany or France in the way it resonates with people in the US,” Hurley says, so they set to work creating a global toolkit to bring everything together.
    Hurley and her team started with focus groups to more clearly identify needs in each global territory and used that information to create localized assets that would align with the organization’s EVP while sharing the same look and feel across all languages. They worked closely with local brand champions to develop these resources, which in turn gives them everything they needed to create their own localized, inclusive content.
    Connect with Other EB Pros
    Hurley advises you to be clear about your internal goals before starting the EVP refresh process, do the research to get a complete picture of your organization and make sure to bring everyone to the table when the time comes to take the following steps. Large organizations come with unique challenges, but best practices exist for developing and activating an EVP. Additionally, don’t hesitate to reach out to other professionals working in the employer branding space. “I’ve made a lot of connections by simply pinging the guests on this podcast,” Hurley says. This podcast includes a way to get in touch with all of the guests, so don’t be afraid to make a connection.

    To follow Anne Hurley’s work in employer brand, connect with her on LinkedIn. To identify the values and culture you want to create in your own company, get in touch.
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