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    A Step-by-Step Guide to Networking in 2022

    No matter what industry you’re in or how far along in your career you are, networking is a skill that will always be important. Especially when you’re looking for a job.

    Over the years, networking techniques have shifted to accommodate our new digital world and all the changes that come with it. That being said, it can be hard to know which networking trends to follow and which ones to leave behind. That’s where we come in.

    As a job marketplace that focuses on getting early-career candidates hired, we know what it takes to land the job of your dreams. And we also know everything that comes before it, including effective networking. 

    But now the question begs – what does it take to be good at networking?

    Come Prepared

    Before the elevator pitch, before you shake hands, before you even say hello, you need to be prepared to have a conversation that’s going to leave an impact. While you don’t always get to choose the time, place, or person you get to network with, you can still be prepared to have an insightful exchange.

    For example, it is always important to stay on top of trending news and topics in your industry. Knowing what’s going on will help you fill the conversation and bring up relevant points for discussion. In the case that you do know the person you’re going to be chatting with, make sure you’re up to date on who they are, what they do, and who they do it for.


    While you might be eager to make your pitch or ask your question, one of the most important tips for networking is to listen. Depending on what your end goals are, you may be motivated to network to score a job, learn more about a field, or expand your contacts. But there is no reason why you can’t do all three if you follow this one rule.

    No one wants to talk to a person who won’t let them get a word in. Plus, the more you talk, the less time they have to give you tips, information, and insight that might improve the trajectory of your professional career.

    Ask Questions

    In addition to listening, you need to be able to ask questions as they pertain to what you are discussing. If you have a really good question that you’ve been sitting on, feel free to ask. But asking questions that guide the natural flow of the conversation will not only garner you more information, it will make things more enjoyable for both people as well. 

    Some examples of questions you could ask include things like their opinion on how things are going in the industry or on certain news topics, where they would like to see the company in five or more years, and anything else that makes you seem passionate about the work you’re going to be doing. Again, use this as a time to learn information as much as you use it as a time to make an impression.

    Use the Internet!

    As creepy as it may sound, it’s pretty easy to find people on the internet these days. A simple search of someone’s name and the company they work for will most likely generate their work bio or LinkedIn profile where there will be a way to contact them. One thing to keep in mind is to make sure your account on whatever platform you’re messaging them on is looking good. So no party photos or compromising scenarios.

    These days, almost all networking is performed online. So if you haven’t already, make sure your networking techniques and digital persona are in tip-top shape and start building that network!

    Stay in Touch

    This last networking tip is one that early-career professionals always forget. Just because you’ve made a connection and had one or two interactions, your job isn’t even half over. 

    Keeping things authentic and genuine, reach out to your new connection at different times. Keep up with what they’re doing, engage with them online, maybe arrange to have a coffee at a later date, but whatever you’re doing, make sure you keep yourself close enough to be remembered but far enough to not be bothersome. 

    In time, these are all networking techniques that you can master and use to your advantage both during and after the job hunt. For more career tips and information on getting hired in 2022, check out our blog. More

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    How to Turn Your Summer Internship Into a Full-Time Job

    So you landed a summer internship – congratulations! Now that you’ve made the obligatory Facebook/LinkedIn post and changed that status to employed, you may be thinking about what you can do to make a lasting impression at one of your first big jobs. 

    And no, it doesn’t have to do with what you’re going to wear on your first day of work. At least not entirely…

    As a job marketplace, we at WayUp have seen internships of all shapes and sizes. And after witnessing so many talented minds crush their summer internships and secure full-time jobs, we have identified five key factors that contributed to their success.

    1. Engage, But Don’t Overwhelm

    One very common mindset you might have going into your summer internship, especially if it’s one of your first professional experiences, is to engage and chat with as many people as possible. And while this is true, to a certain extent, you have to do so mindfully

    If you are preparing to introduce yourself to someone or speak up, make sure you’re not doing so on impulse. Think it through and ask yourself if it’s really worth saying. Upper management doesn’t want someone around who is constantly asking questions or always contributing their two cents. So make sure what you’re saying really carries weight.

    Think – does what you have to say contribute to the task at hand? Are you presenting a new angle or perspective? At the end of the day, people will judge you more on the quality of your thoughts rather than the quantity.

    2. Dress to Impress

    This next suggestion is really obvious when it comes to summer internships yet gets overlooked in so many ways. Depending on the company you’re interning for, what you are expected to wear will vary. So when you’re starting out don’t be afraid to ask your hiring manager what they expect you to wear and take note of what fellow colleagues are wearing to guide your wardrobe choices.

    Another important rule to remember is not to let your wardrobe slack just because you’re remote or virtually employed. It is easy (and really nice) to go throughout the day wearing PJs but putting that extra effort into your attire, even in less than formal video conferences, will make a lasting impression on the people you work with during your summer internship.

    Alongside a proper wardrobe, you should also strive to maintain proper hygiene. And it’s just the simple things! Brush your teeth, take a shower, and wear deodorant. No one wants to work with someone who smells bad. Plus, it might make it hard to get invited to the company happy hour.

    3. Observe Like a Hawk

    During your summer internship, you will be learning an incredible amount of information in an incredibly short amount of time. This being the case, you have to observe and digest every single piece of information and stimuli you see. 

    Is there a certain way your manager likes to receive deliverables? Make that your bible. Notice a certain employee receiving a lot of praise? Study what they’re doing and replicate it. Did you overhear the CEO’s assistant saying they only drink one type of super rare coffee from Peru? Go find some and secure your future job!

    The faster you are able to pick up on things in your summer internship and adapt to your new working environment the more you will show your employer that you deserve a permanent position. 

    4. Volunteer for Everything

    It doesn’t matter if it’s to pick up lunch, lead a new project, or squash a bug, if you volunteer for everything you not only become someone people can rely on but someone with experience as well, bug-related or otherwise.

    Every time you take up a new task you get the chance to show someone that you can do something right. Naturally, responsibilities will grow and tasks will get more important as long as you’re doing them well. Eventually, those tasks could become recurring and make your importance at the company increase.

    5. Send Authentic Follow-Ups

    Depending on the size of your internship class, your manager and the active employees at the company you worked with are bound to get tons of follow-ups from former interns who want a job. So you’re going to have to make sure what you say really resonates with who you’re saying it to. 

    Maybe you have a certain memory of them you wanted to recount. Or something they taught you that you wanted to thank them for. Or maybe you just wanted to ask them for more advice. Whatever you’re doing, make sure it doesn’t sound like a copy and paste message.

    It can be strategic to think of this while participating in your summer internship as it can lead to a more genuine and organic follow-up later on. So make sure you’re taking the time to form meaningful connections with the people around you.

    Rinse & Repeat

    Before you get that corner office, you need to get a full-time job, and before you get that full-time job, you’re going to need to make a lasting impression during your summer internship. So if you want to make sure you make it through try-outs, keep this list handy and read it before your first night of work.

    Haven’t found a summer internship to show off how great you are just yet? Browse all our current openings here! More