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    Can You Help People and Be Successful in 2020?

    Is it possible to be a successful recruiter because you want to “help people” rather than being money motivated? Let me start by setting the scene of when I first became aware that this wasn’t necessarily the norm and that by admitting you are doing it for more altruistic reasons can be perceived as a […] More

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    Do Recruiters Still Read Resumes?

    They used to be the best way for candidates to get noticed by prospective employers, and there were certain rules for compiling them including lots of dos and don’ts. But are they really relevant and should we be bothering with them at all in this digital and social media age where there are far more […] More

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    How to Ask Your Employer for Student Loan Benefits

    If you’re under 30 and college educated, there’s a good chance you’re paying off student loan debt (a 49% chance, to be exact). And while earning more money is one obvious way to pay your loans off faster, the opportunity to increase your salary only comes around every so often—so you may be looking for […] More

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    Unusual Hiring Tactics

    Number 10’s special adviser Dominic Cummings was in the news recently for declaring he wanted to hire an unusual set of people with different skills and backgrounds to work with the Civil Service. It was not a conventional job advertisement in terms of the language used and didn’t promote flexible working or healthy work-life balance. […] More

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    12 Things Your Candidate Should Say at Interviews

    Recruiters have a whole arsenal of advice for the candidates in their care. But a lot of this advice tends to be negative: don’t say this, don’t shake hands like that. As with most feedback, when critiquing a candidate’s mock-interview it is easier to address what went wrong than to cook up positive new ideas […] More

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    4 Ways to Protect Your Work-Life Balance This Year

    Regardless of which resolutions you made this year, chances are maintaining a better work-life balance will make it easier to stick with them. Keeping up a gym routine, making more dinners at home, or being more engaged with your family, for example, all become many times more feasible if you’re not stuck in the office […] More

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    Flexit: What it Means for Recruiters Post Brexit

    It is undeniable that Brexit marks the biggest geopolitical shakeup for generations. It is a topic that dominated public attention last year, with the news agenda eagle-eyed on parliament’s struggle to deliver a unanimously satisfactory exit deal. Similarly, when it came to the end of the year election campaign, the majority of the debate centered […] More

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    How to Work Remotely and Keep Your Sanity

    Telecommuting and distributed offices have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly with the rise of digital productivity tools which teams can use to collaborate just as they would in-person. While the majority of employees still work from an office, the share of people who work from home in the U.S. has been steadily increasing […] More