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    Interviewing After a Layoff? How to Be Confident & Become a Top Candidate

    The third article in our series to help jobseekers bounce back better than ever…

    Once you’ve absorbed the news of a layoff, organized your financials, and taken the next steps to kick off your job search, you’re ready. It’s time to begin interviewing after your layoff. Employed but concerned about the stability of your role or company? Use this article series to get organized and feel more prepared for changes.

    Win at Interviewing after a Layoff

    Securing interviews starts with job applications. Prioritize your job applications at a high volume, but what’s the best way to end with success? According to Pathrise Growth Marketing Associate Alex Macpherson and Career Strategist Mentor Ash Ayvar, it’s best to diversify your application sources by using multiple job boards and sending personalized cold emails to recruiters.

    Cold Email Tips and Tricks for Communicating with Hiring Teams from Pathrise

    Before you start sending out cold emails, there are a few things you need to know:

    Make sure to submit your application alongside or before you send a cold email.Focus your cold emailing efforts toward roles you feel passionate about and companies you would be excited to join. Narrow your focus to organizations with less than 500 people. This increases the likelihood someone will read and take action on your message.Stick to the weekends or early in the week when sending cold emails – if you send them on a Thursday or Friday, they’re less likely to be read. If you must, use ‘schedule send’ features, like in Gmail.It’s ok to send your cold email to multiple people within an organization, but keep the number of contacts to three or four at max. Choose contacts from different teams and divisions, too, or else you risk your email coming off as spammy. Don’t CC – send a separate email to each contact, even if your copy is the same.

    Pro Tip:

    These emails don’t have to be totally “cold.” Follow the guidance in Chapter 2 of this series, to grow your network through social media and informational interviews. That work may pay off in some “warm” leads on jobs or referrals. Proactive actions like this often reveal roles that haven’t been posted yet. In fact, this work cuts down on the outreach talent acquisition and sourcers need to do – you’re helping them!

    It’s worth noting, for technologists and sales or customer experience professionals who join the Hired platform, this type of outreach becomes unnecessary. Hired turns the job search dynamic upside down and once your profile is complete, we promote you to matching employers and roles. Employers search for you, requesting interviews with compensation information upfront. You decide which interviews you wish to accept – you can even pause your profile if you get too many interview requests at once. See how Hired works here.

    When Interviewing After a Layoff, Be Authentic and Upfront

    Many candidates suffer some anxiety and nervousness about discussing their layoffs in subsequent interviews. Fortunately, you really don’t need to worry so much about it. Be upfront and authentic in how you talk about the situation. Keep your answers focused – there’s no need to go into lots of information about the layoff and waste valuable interview time. 

    Do acknowledge the layoff and explain it with relevant context. It may be helpful to give specific details. For example, is there a factual number or percentage of how many employees on your team or overall were laid off? Weave it in. Doing so helps your interviewer better understand your situation and illustrates you were one of many. 

    Was the reduction in force (RIF) part of a merger or acquisition? If the employer is a publicly-traded company, they may have disclosed multiple reasons in shareholder communications or in published articles you could reference. Layoffs happen for a variety of causes and the point is not to dwell on it, especially when such workforce decisions are beyond your control. 

    In general, employers know layoffs are painful to talk about and will respect the information you choose to provide. Find a positive from the experience and lean into it. It might be how proud you were of your team while there, because XYZ. Or, how the time off allowed you to pursue a certification you didn’t have time for before. Maybe the change inspired you to do something you wouldn’t have done otherwise, like train for a marathon or pivot careers. Perhaps it allowed you time to spend with loved ones when they needed you. 

    Pro Tip:

    As part of your pre-interview research, study any “core values” or mission statements the company has. Do not parrot these, but think about how your experiences, while working and while laid off, align with these ideals and echo them in your answers. 

    For example, JPMorgan Chase & Co., says on their site, “In a fast-moving and increasingly complex global economy, our success depends on how faithfully we adhere to our core principles: delivering exceptional client service; acting with integrity and responsibility; and supporting the growth of our employees.” 

    When discussing your career or time during a layoff, could you share examples where you: 

    delivered exceptional service, or went above and beyond expectations? acted with integrity and responsibility, or did the right thing, even when it may have been difficult? supported the growth of employees, or facilitated the development of others, as a volunteer, a coach, or a parent? 

    Related: How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question for Tech Talent, Video Interviews 101: How to Impress in the Digital Age

    Highlight Your Growth During Employment Gaps

    Resume or employment gaps are another area of concern for job seekers following a layoff, no matter how much time has passed. How will you explain that time? 

    Focus on how you’ve grown during this period and turn this gap into an asset. Highlight what you’ve done to enhance your skills instead of allowing them to fade during this period.

    Tell your interviewer about the things you’ve done to improve your skills and build new ones during the layoff period. Whether you took an online course or worked a temporary contract job, it shows you have been proactive. Maybe you volunteered your skills to a local nonprofit. 

    Employers know layoffs put individuals in less-than-ideal circumstances, so they appreciate an interviewee who has demonstrated commitment to professional growth and development in spite of them. 

    Related: Flip the Script: How to Handle an Employment Gap on Your Resume

    Spotlight Your Past Performance & Growth

    Share the value you’ve provided through your work, even on your last team. When you offer achievements and results, this information becomes more impactful to your candidacy than your layoff. Detail the metrics of your work and share highlights of your past projects establishing you as a valuable asset to your team or organization.

    Keep Your Head Up – You Can Do This

    The layoff period is often a humbling time for many. During these days, weeks, or months, you’ve likely done your fair share of reflection on your experience and your career. Share insights about what you learned during this period while highlighting your resilience and unwavering confidence. 

    No matter what you’ve been through during your layoff, it’s crucial to remain optimistic about the interview process. No matter what role you are interviewing for, character matters. Your positivity in spite of an unfortunate situation reflects best on your character. Resist any urges to speak bitterly about your past employers and focus on the new opportunities ahead of you.

    Interviewing After a Layoff is for You, Too

    Post-layoff job seeking can be tricky. While you want to secure a new job as soon as possible, don’t rush yourself too much. Balance this time between searching for new roles and making sure the urge to get hired right away doesn’t lead you to compromise your career goals.

    The interview can teach you a lot about your potential new work environment so you can decide if it’s the right fit – both culture-wise and in terms of job security. Here are some example questions to help you elicit this information when interviewing after a layoff:

    Why are you proud to work here?Do you feel supported in your career growth and professional development by this organization? How does the organization make you feel that way?What’s the process like for providing feedback to a team member?Is collaboration encouraged here? If so, how?Tell me about a time when you saw the company’s main values in action.Has this company ever gone through layoffs in the past? If so, how were they handled?Can you tell me about the company’s financial situation? Is it profitable? Are future investments secured? The company’s solvency is a legitimate question, especially if you’ve experienced layoffs due to cost-cutting measures. Be respectful, and read the room, but don’t feel like you can’t politely inquire at all. Also, do your homework. Don’t ask questions with answers available to you via Google. 

    Related: Ace Your Interview & Get Your Questions Answered

    Cheers to Your New Role!

    The discomfort of interviewing after a layoff doesn’t have to derail your future job search. Take the time to process the situation and decide what you want moving forward. Set yourself up for success during your job search by honing your network beforehand. When it’s time for interviews, be confident and highlight the positives you’ve achieved over this time.

    Related: Chapter 1: Part of a Layoff? Steps Jobseekers in Tech & Sales Need to Take First

    Chapter 2: Laid Off? Next Steps to Find Your Dream Job in Tech or Sales More

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    Laid Off? Next Steps to Find Your Dream Job in Tech or Sales

    The second article in our series to help jobseekers bounce back from a layoff better than ever…

    If you’ve ever been laid off, you know it’s a mixed bag of emotions. Refer to Chapter 1 in our series for the first steps to take once you’ve heard the news. After you’ve had a chance to catch your breath, think about how you’re going to use your time. While many throw themselves into an all-consuming job search after being laid off, it may not be the best strategy for you. To avoid added stress, divide your time between jobseeking, upskilling, and self-care. Consider spending time volunteering to benefit your mental health, keep your skills fresh, and expand your network.

    Once it’s time to start the job search – use these 9 steps to find the roles you want and make the most out of your mission.

    Laid Off Next Steps #1 – Tap into your Network

    Start your job search with the familiar – your existing network. In fact, your network is one of the best sources you have for job offers and hires. Do you know how powerful referrals are in helping you get hired? Referrals are 4X more likely to be hired, so lean into your network for them.

    It’s not always what you know but who you know that may help you land the job, or at least get your foot in the door. While this doesn’t replace having the right skills and qualifications for the role, leveraging who you know including acquaintances and friends of friends can be your ticket to landing that first interview. People may offer warm introductions to recruiters or hiring managers and if you ask them about their company’s referral program, there is a good chance they can cash in on you landing the job. 

    Do your research on open roles and make it easy for people to connect with you online as well as offline. If you’re not particularly social, consider joining shared interest groups. Practice cold outreach on LinkedIn to get out of your comfort zone while you are job hunting. 

    Related: Check out this list of community and networking partners available to jobseekers on Hired!

    Pro Tip: Networking goes both ways

    It’s most effective when you network even when you’re not looking for a new role. Keep in touch with your network to avoid contacting someone only when you’re looking for help. Reshare their posts. Connect them with other professionals in your network you think would be helpful to them. Are they hiring for a role outside of your position or specialty? Refer a qualified candidate to them from your network. Help them too.

    Laid Off Next Steps #2 – Leverage Social Media

    Get involved on social media to make connections, gain industry insights from other professionals, and learn about new tools to aid in your job search success. 

    When it comes to ‘laid off next steps,’ VP of Community Outreach, Raleigh-Durham NC Chapter of Blacks in Technology LaShawnda Rodgers suggests, “#techtwitter is a great resource to help you grow your tech career if you leverage it the right way. I agree tapping into your network is a plus but asking the right questions during informational interviews is profound. When I mentor people who want to grow in tech, I advise them to ask other professionals about: 

    “a day in their life” at their companystrengths needed for someone to excel in the roleif the company has events open to the public so you can continue to meet new people.”

    Related: Learn more about Hired Partner Blacks in Technology.

    Laid Off Next Steps #3 – Set up Informational Interviews

    Informational interviews are a great way to network with people working in areas that interest you. This type of networking allows you to establish valuable connections with contacts who can help further your career and help you land your new role.

    Informational interviews are just that – informational. You’re interviewing them – this is not a job interview for you. Expect an opportunity to share a little about your background and what you’re looking for, but overall, use these conversations as opportunities to learn more about a specific company, a role/job title, someone’s career path, and/or what it’s like to work for a start-up versus a global company of tens of thousands. Review their LinkedIn profile. Prepare questions, but keep it conversational. 

    Informational interview framework

    These informational interviews shouldn’t be long – about 15 minutes is ideal. Follow this framework to help achieve the results you want and gain referrals.

    Take a minute or two to build rapport with your contact.Next, spend a few minutes on introductions and the topic of the interview. Ask them about themselves and allow them to give their elevator pitch. Acknowledge what they’ve said and then give your elevator pitch. Once the introductions are done, tell them what it is you want to discuss and why.Now spend some time listening to the advice they give about your topic. Take notes!Finally, ask for what you want. Give a summary of the information you were just given to show value and ask about the referral process.Wrap up the conversation. Later on, thank them for their time and insight with a well-crafted email that expresses your goal and the value you offer. Update your spreadsheet. It will be easier to keep track of your networking activities if you track who you’ve spoken with, how you know/found them, what was discussed, and the next steps or action items. Plus, if you’re required to submit job search activities for unemployment compensation, this documentation is really helpful. 

    Laid Off Next Steps #4 – Join Professional Communities

    Professional communities are a great place to build your network and meet the people who can help you land the perfect new job. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

    Laid Off Next Steps #5 – Volunteer: It Pays in a lot of Ways

    If you want to achieve more than just an expanded network, consider taking some time to volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to improve yourself all-around and can even help you continue to develop new contacts. Helping others positively benefits your mental health, so why not use your time to give back and help yourself in the process? 

    There are many non-profits that may be in need of your skills. Use these opportunities to continue honing those skills and making good use of them. Plus, volunteer work provides the opportunity to expand your network and bank skills and experience for your resume. Plus, when interviewers ask what you’ve been doing during your layoff, you have great responses ready to go. Here are some organizations for volunteering ideas.

    Laid Off Next Steps #6 – Check Out Educational Resources

    If you want to pivot into a different career path or are interested in obtaining new skills, educational resources are another great place to build your network. 

    President of the New England chapter of Blacks in Technology Rosemary Garabot says, “Look around your community for free or low-cost events like BSides. Sign up to pursue a new certification in a program with hands-on labs so you can build new skills.”

    Related: Hired Partners offer upskilling, certifications, and bootcamps.

    Laid Off Next Steps #7 – Prep for Technical Interviews

    Rodgers suggests, “For those pursuing technical roles, it’s important to prepare for technical interviews. Take some time to work on collaborative projects, showcase your work, and get beneficial feedback. GitHub is a great resource where you can virtually work on projects and collaborate with others.”

    Related: Hired Partners, such as Educative, Exponent, Pathrise, and Interview Kickstart, offer interview prep. SitePoint offers a library of resources to prep and upskill in various coding languages. In addition, developers on the Hired platform can earn badges for their profile using Hired Assessments. Demonstrating skills through earning badges increases the chances of interview requests and better offers.

    Laid Off Next Steps #8 – Refine Your Resume & Elevator Pitch

    Your networking conversations and interactions are invaluable for learning the markers of success in the roles you want. Now that you have this information from your network of insiders, use these elements to further refine your resume and elevator pitch to help you stand out in your search.

    Laid Off Next Steps #9 – Lock In Your References

    Once you start interviewing, references will be critical to the success of your job search. Take time now to lock in key references reinforcing your job performance and work ethic. A reference from your previous manager is also a great tool to ease any concerns about your layoff during the hiring process.

    Ask former colleagues to write testimonials about their experiences working with you. You’re not limited to former supervisors. Colleagues you worked with cross-functionally, peers, reports, even former customers and vendors may be willing to testify to positive experiences working with you.

    With LinkedIn’s recommendation feature, you can ask for a one while offering to write one for them. Positive testimonials about working with someone never hurt, even if your reference is totally content in their role. 

    Ready? It’s Time to Tackle Interviews

    Maximizing your network is a powerful tactic to help you not only learn more about different roles and discover open positions – it may also be the key to getting hired. Get ready to win your post-layoff interviews with Chapter 3: Interviewing After a Layoff.

    Ready to find your dream job in tech or sales? Turn the job search upside down when you complete a profile on Hired. Employers filter based on your skills and preferences to match with you, and request interviews with the compensation information upfront. 

    Sign up with Hired today or re-activate your profile if it’s been a while since you were looking.  More

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    Part of a Layoff? Steps Jobseekers in Tech & Sales Need to Take First

    Chapter 1 of a series to help jobseekers bounce back better than ever (or to feel better prepared in uncertain times)

    If you’ve ever been laid off you know it’s often an emotional time full of uncertainty – but it doesn’t have to be that way! Welcome to part one of a blog series to help anyone laid off dust themselves off and spin it into a positive. Likewise, if you’re employed but concerned about the stability of your company or role, use this article series to get organized. It will help you feel better prepared regardless. Learn what to do after a layoff and the steps to take to set yourself up for a successful job search.

    1. Process Emotions After a Layoff

    Losing a job often feels like a loss that comes in waves. Some days, you may feel liberated, optimistic, and perhaps excited for what is to come. Other days, you may feel overwhelmed, confused, or just plain sad. It’s a form of grief in many ways. 

    It’s ok to process your loss, whatever form it may have taken. Recognize you are more than your accomplishments or a job title. Your worth is not tied to your productivity. Remind yourself that nobody is immune, from top performers to leaders, it can happen to anyone. 

    Give yourself time to process a recent layoff and any series of job rejections. Your feelings may surface unexpectedly, and it’s ok to feel them without letting them overrule your life. Sometimes you need to take a few steps backward before you can move forward.

    2. Get Financially Organized Post-Layoff

    Once you’ve taken a beat to absorb the news, it’s time to sort out your financials. It helps you feel productive, in control, and more secure during the time between roles. Find the answers to any questions you may have about your 401k, severance pay, filing for unemployment, and your health insurance. Next, take a financial inventory of your situation and set a budget for your current circumstances.

    Take Care of Money & Healthcare Matters

    After a layoff, there are some loose ends to clear up, such as your final paycheck, any pre-tax withholding accounts, (401ks, employee stock purchase plans, HSAs), unemployment options, and healthcare.

    Most of this information should be included as part of the packet from your HR or Employee Success team. It’s easy to be overwhelmed during those meetings, though, so give yourself some grace if you can’t remember some things. Or, if you need to reach out to them afterward. 

    Here are some financial areas to organize after a layoff: 

    Your last paycheckSeverance payYour 401kUnemployment insuranceHealthcare options

    Your Last Paycheck

    Things may be a bit different from what you’re used to regarding your final paycheck. If you normally have your checks direct deposited, don’t count on that money effortlessly hitting your bank account as usual. Many states require employers to provide a physical check for the final payment. This gives former employees easy access to paystub information. If necessary, make arrangements with your former employer to pick up your check in person or mailed to your home.

    Per the US Department of Labor, there are no federal laws requiring a final paycheck to be given to a former employee immediately following a layoff. Depending on your location, there may be state laws mandating immediate payment when a layoff occurs. Some states only require the final paycheck delivered on or prior to what would have been your next regular payday. 

    If your company withheld money from your paycheck for an employee stock purchase plan (ESPP), any monies awaiting the next purchase period may be refunded from a separate account. This might be in the form of a second electronic transfer or check. Verify any money withheld and itemized on your final paycheck is included in the refund of the ESPP monies. 

    To learn more about your state’s final paycheck guidelines, search for your state’s Department of Labor. Many states have made this information available online, or you can contact a representative for assistance. 

    Severance Pay

    Severance pay can offer you a bit of a financial safety net while you’re between roles. However, severance isn’t a guarantee as there are no federal laws mandating it for everyone. A few states have mandatory severance pay laws covering planned layoffs at large organizations. Find this information with your state’s Department of Labor.

    Your employment contract or the company’s severance policy in your employee handbook should tell you what to expect as far as severance from your former employer. The amount of severance pay offered is up to the discretion of the company unless you have previously negotiated it as part of your contract. 

    If the layoff is a result of an acquisition or merger, severance may be determined as part of the agreement and vary from what your company paid before.

    Typically, severance pay amounts to one to two weeks of normal pay for every year you worked for the business. In some cases, severance takes the form of paid insurance premiums or other compensation than cash. 

    What About Your 401k?

    If you’ve been paying into a 401k at your former job, you’ll need to decide how to manage this money after an employment separation. You have three options: leave it alone, cash it out, or roll it over. If you’re uncertain about what to do, talking to a financial planner who can thoroughly explain your options may be helpful. Your former employer may also provide resources to determine the next steps. 

    Typically, if you have more than $5,000 in your 401k account, you can keep this money in your existing plan. While you won’t be able to continue contributing to these savings, you do retain control regarding how it is invested within the plan. By keeping the money in your existing plan, you won’t have to pay taxes or penalties on a withdrawal and the funds will continue to gain interest.A layoff is an uncertain financial time, and some job seekers choose to cash out their 401ks to help with the absence of a regular paycheck. However, withdrawing these funds will also come with penalties and taxes. Consider this a last resort.If you’re considering moving your retirement savings out of your former employer’s plan but don’t want to withdraw it and pay penalties, you can roll over your funds to a new account. Many choose to roll over a 401k into an IRA. Or, you can leave the money sitting in your existing account until you land a new position elsewhere. Most plans allow you to roll over funds from an existing 401k to a new one when your employment changes.

    Unemployment Insurance

    Filing for unemployment benefits can provide much-needed funds when you’re between roles. Requirements vary from state to state, but generally, an applicant must be:

    unemployed through no fault of their own, eligible according to the state’s requirements for previously earned wages, and able to and actively seeking work. 

    Many states allow you to apply for unemployment benefits online through the state’s Department of Workforce Development or similar. 

    If you’ve never filed for unemployment before, it’s okay. You’ve paid into it for probably your entire working life, and there’s no shame in receiving it. It’s there to help bridge the gap during times like these. 

    Generally, once you’re approved, you’ll receive an amount determined on a sliding scale based on your previous income. There are often requirements involved to continue receiving income from the program, such as weekly reporting of job search activity. Be sure to keep up with any tasks, to avoid the inconvenience of a payment disruption. 

    Caution, this is, sadly, also an area rife with fraud. Be vigilant and protect yourself from phishing scams, especially through texts and emails. 

    Healthcare Options

    Healthcare uncertainties are a big stressor for many people following a layoff. Depending on your healthcare benefits from your previous role, you may be able to keep your current coverage through the end of the month your layoff took place. Be sure to ask your former employer for clarification on when you can expect this coverage to end.

    Make a plan for what you’ll do when you reach this point – you have a few options:

    Opt for COBRA coverage within 60 days of your layoff to keep your existing health insurance.Choose an alternative healthcare plan on the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.Check with your state to find out if you are eligible for Medicaid or another state-sponsored healthcare plan.Join a family member’s employer-sponsored healthcare plan. Regardless of enrollment periods, joining your family member’s plan is categorized as a “life qualifying event” and allows you to enroll outside of the annual open enrollment window.Purchase a short-term healthcare plan.

    3. Set Your Budget

    Without a steady paycheck, it’s oh so important to sort out a budget and stick to it. Take an inventory of your existing financial resources to determine what funds you have available. These resources may include:

    Severance payPaid out unused leave daysEmergency savingsPartner’s salaryRetirement accountsCompany stock

    Next, map out your spending and see what your existing budget is like. Seeing where your money is currently going will help you see where adjustments can be made.

    There are many resources to help you get assets, liabilities, and even goals all on the same page. Some include Mint, YNAB, and Honeydue. 

    4. Plan Your Next Steps

    Once you have a handle on your emotions and manage the above details, you can start to prepare for the job search ahead. Get into the right mindset and define your mission to increase your chances of success.

    Gain Career Clarity

    Before you get into the busywork of updating your resume and looking for new positions, take some time to determine what you want and need from your next job. Find clarity regarding the direction you want to see your career take as you move forward. Reflect and identify:

    Your major career goalsThe type of work you enjoyWhat’s important to your career growthYour ideal work/life balance?Your values and dealbreakers?

    Evaluate the Job Market

    Once you’ve nailed down the vision for your career, it’s time to evaluate the current job market. Before you begin searching for new roles, understand the present demand for your experience and skills. This information helps you determine if you need to modify salary expectations from your previous position. Salary Calculator Salaries Directory

    Set a Timeline

    Establish a timeline for your job search. When can you start? What’s your deadline for finding a new job? Evaluate your present circumstances regarding availability, financial status, and skills development needs to set a realistic timeframe for your search, from scanning job ads to starting your new role.

    Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

    Before you start an active job search, it’s important to update your information. Now is the time to optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile to best reflect the role you want and help you stand out to recruiters. Here are some resources to help:

    Develop Your Career Story

    A layoff often feels devastating at first, but it doesn’t define your career. Before you start your job search, you need to write your career story and build your personal brand. 

    Decide how you want to frame your layoff when questioned about it. Focus on your experiences, talents, and skills rather than the details of what happened. Be confident in how you will present yourself, and update your social media profiles so they best align with the story you want to tell.

    Consider a Side Hustle

    A side hustle can be a good solution to earn money during the in-between time after a layoff and before you land a new job. While a side hustle may not become a permanent full-time employment solution at this time, it can help provide some financial security and allow you to continue developing your skills. Whether you have a current side hustle or are considering starting one, think of it as a supplement to job searching. 

    Ready to Start Your Job Search?

    Now that you’ve taken the time to emotionally process your layoff, sort out your personal needs, and decide what you want moving forward, you’re ready to find a perfect new role. 

    Complete your free profile on Hired. Instead of searching for a job, employers search for you. Be sure to optimize your profile for the best matches (tips from the Candidate Experience Team). 

    Check out Chapter 2: Post-Layoff Job Search Plan to turn the page on this chapter of your life and begin a new one. More

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    What are the Best Programming Languages to Get a Software Developer Job?

    Hired & Exponent partner for engineering career advice video series

    Hired, along with our partner Exponent, recently completed a video series exploring such as what the best programming languages for software developers to get a job. The series featured three of our talented engineers: Nico Thiebaut, Prakash Patel, and Dan Baker, discussing subjects such as:

    How to Become a Machine Learning EngineerTop Programming Languages to Land a Job (in 2022).Engineering Manager vs. Individual Contributor (IC) Path

    Dan Baker is a former boot camper, now an Engineering Manager at Hired, a tech marketplace that matches talent with employers for roles around the world. He’s currently leading the work on the Hired Assessments product, helping candidates show their skills and find their dream jobs. 

    Based on the Hired State of Software Engineers report, these “top” skills or languages are taken from data on more than 360,000 interactions between companies and candidates on the platform. 

    Here’s a quick summary of the conversation Dan Baker had with Lucas from Exponent. To watch the full interview, scroll down to the bottom of the article.

    First, what are the top programming languages for individual contributors (IC) in software development? 

    Based on the report data: Go, Ruby on Rails, Scala, Ruby, and React Native. 

    What are the most in-demand programming skills for managers?

    Ruby on Rails, Scala, AWS, Google Cloud, and Ruby. 

    What are engineers’ favorite programming languages and skills?

    According to survey data of tech talent on the Hired platform, it’s Python, Javascript, Java, Typescript, C-Sharp, and Go.

    What did you find the most interesting about the top programming languages among developers this year?

    Well-established technologies valuable to new programmers due to their staying power

    When I got started, Ruby was the main language that was normal. It was easy for people to understand. It was the first language for a lot of people. It’s no surprise to me that Ruby on Rails, as the first usable framework, has so much popularity. 

    Today there are probably not that many projects getting started in Ruby but there are many being maintained in it. That really speaks to the legacy nature of coding. 

    Trendy or not, programming languages on the rise help employability

    What stands out to me are languages like Go and Scala because they seem to be newer languages on the rise. People aren’t learning Go and getting Go engineers because they have to. It’s because they want to build new things with Go. 

    To an extent, that’s the truth with React Native but it’s more so the nature of React dominating the front-end framework landscape.

    Do you encourage your team to regularly learn new technical skills? What skills specifically? 

    I frame my advice to my direct reports around:

    How we can position the story for the resume for their next job? What’s the best way to sell this for you to get a promotion internally? How can you sell this for yourself for your next role? 

    Usually, it’s less about the technology and more about solving a business case. That’s what will matter to the hiring manager in the future. The technology is usually secondary. 

    One of my engineers is deep in Terraform right now, another knows more about React than anybody it seems, and then another knows the ins and outs of Django in a way that probably very few people know. When I’m suggesting people learn new skills it’s really catered to the use case, 100%.

    What programming language is best for someone just learning to code?

    If I was speaking to somebody who is just starting to code, I would recommend learning Rust. It’s exciting because it’s a new language approaching programming from a very type-centric point of view and is very low-level control while having high-level usability. 

    Insight from Exponent 

    There are often technologies probably best suited to solve a particular business case and are extremely important to learn for that reason. There are also technologies probably always very popular amongst engineers, maybe because they scratch an itch and they’re kind of technically interesting but maybe they are the wrong puzzle piece or are a bit too new for whatever you’re trying to solve on the job. 

    What’s a programming language mistake?

    Many times I’ve seen companies make the wrong decision by supporting engineers to do things they’re curious about that don’t align with the business case. Then, the current business case they need to move forward is not addressed so they have to pivot to something that does make sense. The engineer maybe gets a skillset but it isn’t even that sellable – why? It never was usable at the business.

    What about jobseekers who don’t know these ‘best programming languages?’ How do you recommend they stay competitive in their job search?

    The top five skills are interesting because you get an idea of the heavy hitters and what languages people for the most. It depends on where you are in your career and how much you understand about where you want your career to go. 

    For an engineer who has a little bit of experience but has a good idea of what they want to do, I would say, look in that subset and maybe it doesn’t matter which is the top language.

    Maybe it’s more so, which programming language do you have some experience in – and will it be viable to enough potential employers? Looking at this list, I guarantee the people who are best at Scala don’t know much about React Native. 

    Tip from Exponent

    Most engineers won’t become an expert in all of these. You definitely want to assess where your own experience is and take it based on that. 

    Can you describe how Hired Technical Assessments are designed to assess a candidate’s technical ability? How can jobseekers do well in technical assessments?

    Benefits of Hired Assessments

    My advice to any potential client using the product is to understand what an online technical assessment can do and what it can’t. The biggest value add is not that you’re going to get an automated answer to whether this candidate is right for the role. 

    You’re going to have an asynchronous interaction. A candidate’s going to do the assessment when it makes sense for them. The employer is going to review their work when it makes sense for them, that’s first and foremost. 

    Employers can review their work, and playback how they completed it. They can see if the candidate is within an acceptable range of performance, and how they executed problems. See what kind of approaches they took and if it makes sense to you (the employer). See if they are using coding patterns successfully demonstrating a level of expertise. 

    Benefits to jobseekers

    Candidates have the opportunity to show their thinking more than simply trying to solve the problem. In some cases, employers are looking, getting so many good candidates that they’re only able to look at the top one percent of them. 

    However, in these cases, no one really enjoys or does well in a game where only the top 1% are winning. You want to find a smaller pond where you can actually show a connection to the employer and show that you thought out your work. 

    For candidates, unfortunately, with the state of the industry and in online assessments, LeetCode reigns supreme. I recommend brushing up on that because that’s what most of these products are geared towards. 

    I do see a trend slowly moving away from purely LeetCode questions to framework-based questions that include a file system to find the bug, fix the bug, create a new file, and add a new pattern. 

    That’s where we see candidates thinking creatively and how they actually interact within an existing structure. That’s going to be more valuable – showing employers how you’re going to actually perform in the role. rather than you can do Fizz-buzz or bubble sort.

    Insight from Exponent

    In my own experience, I have seen more interviews where the company crafted a test case that more closely mirrored a real-world coding situation in which you had to diagnose a bug in a code base that probably looked like their actual code base.

    With that comes the impression that they care about your time and like to test skills that closely match what you’re going to do on the job. This is a bit different than the more esoteric LeetCode tests that you may be doing. I think it feels more valuable from a candidate’s perspective.

    Interviewing advice for software developers

    I think that’s something candidates need to be aware of as they choose which companies they engage with. As somebody interviewing a candidate I know I am selling as much as I am evaluating. Candidates should get a sense of how well the company they are interviewing with is selling them. 

    If they’re not selling you at all, what does that tell you about the company and the culture you’d enter? On the other hand, if they’re selling you 100%, they’re not really evaluating. What does that tell you about the mess you’d enter? 

    There’s a healthy balance where employers care about you and the experience you’re having, while also asking meaningful questions relevant to the role.

    Candidates should know who they want to interact with but it’s also really important for employers to ensure they’re creating an experience that makes a candidate feel safe in the context of their whole life cycle, from candidate to employee, to ex-employee. 

    Tip from Exponent

    The technical interview experience you go through is, to some degree, a proxy of the engineering culture you may enter. It can be the best signal you have before you sign the paper.

    Ask, where is the demand?

    One takeaway from looking at this is to understand where the demand is and how important it is to find the right demand/supply ratio. That could be one. If there’s one person that needs one engineer of one type, then there you go. You can get that role and you can be happily ever after at that company. 

    If you just choose the one most in demand, it also might be the most candidates going after that skill set as well. What you see yourself doing matters most because ultimately when you get the role you have to show up and do the work. So find something you’re interested in. That’s where you’re going to thrive and succeed long term.

    Insight from Exponent

    If you have spent the last five years working in databases and think you need to learn React to be employable but your passion is databases, then that might not be the technology to learn.

    Learn more languages 

    It’s easy to think back on when you learned the language that you actually made your bread and butter with, it was hard to learn and you probably don’t want to do that again. The truth is that with every year that passes, the way people learn coding languages is better and easier than it was the year before. Remember when Stack Overflow changed the game? There’s a time that didn’t even exist. You couldn’t ask a question – you’d get an odd forum and esoteric responses or you’d have to open a paper book. So, learn a little bit about more languages and realize you’re never pigeonholed to one.

    Tip from Exponent

    The first language you learn is going to be the hardest but after that, you establish mental models and understand how to read documentation. It’ll be much easier to pick up new technologies after mastering one or two.

    Understand concepts in programming  

    Learning more languages also speaks to how much you start understanding real, valuable concepts in programming. I recommend the book, Learning Javascript Design Patterns. It reviews what you need to do to write really complex code. There is the specific stuff like hoisting but also polymorphism, ways to curry different functions to build into other ones, and there’s direct inheritance.

    Understanding deeper patterns will make you a stronger programmer and enable you to do more powerful things. When an interviewer looks at a submission and says, “Oh they’re currying a function. That’s an interesting approach.” Even if you aren’t able to do it, if employers watch it (which we really encourage our clients to do), they’ll see you know your chops. At the end of the day, no business is making money by having a programmer who can write fizz-buzz the fastest. 

    Ready to complete a free profile and sit back while employers search for you? Learn how Hired works for jobseekers!

    Click below to watch the full interview, including when Dan and Exponent’s Lucas fall down a rabbit hole discussing the relationship between javascript, cryptocurrency, and building blockchain. 

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    How to Recruit in a Recession — From Someone Who Knows

    As some industries make headlines for layoffs or hiring freezes over fears of a slowing economy (and potential recession), talent acquisition teams feeling market shifts firsthand may think their only option is to slow down with it.
    Many may even be looking positively at the opportunity for rest after the frenzied, white-knuckle pace of hiring over the last year has had recruiters burning the candle at both ends. While the space to take a momentary breather is much deserved, waiting out macroeconomic trends is not a safe strategy — for business or for job security as a TA pro.
    Hiring teams that have become too comfortable with a reactive, offer-letter-after-one-interview environment should be wary of waiting for the next shoe to drop. If you drift for too long, you risk being too far behind to catch up when it does.
    In short: The threat of a recession is not a reason to pause executing your talent strategy. Instead, think of it as permission to reset it, by resetting your mindset — from one that is reactive to one that is proactive.
    First, take that long weekend or vacation you’ve been putting off. When you’re back and refreshed, let’s look at what a proactive recruiting mindset can look like.
    10,000-foot view
    There are two important truths that come with a recession and its impact on hiring. Those of us who were here in 2008 can attest:

    No matter what, some companies will panic and eliminate headcount — this is normal.
    Because the market is more vulnerable, candidates will be more hesitant to switch jobs.

    By embracing these two truths, we can determine how a strategy may need to shift. For example, If your organization has removed all job posts, it’s time to refocus energy on bolstering your talent pipeline.
    And knowing that talent is going to be less laissez-faire about making a job switch, recruiters must prioritize creating and nurturing relationships — with confidence and trust — over dangling shiny objects.
    At a high level, this means recruiters will need to kick the habit of endless sourcing and get outside of their comfort zone to stay relevant with candidates. That’s a big change for at least 55% of recruiters, who say they spend the majority of their time sourcing, according to the recent State of Outbound Recruiting in 2022 report by hireEZ.
    3,000-foot view
    Change is tough, and easier said than done. As a former recruiter, I know how busy each day is. When you’re busy, you tend to stick to what you know: LinkedIn, job boards, copying and pasting the same email outreach that worked that one time. It’s hard to be productive when you’re buried under requisitions.
    Fortunately, a slowdown in hiring will provide the opportunity to make some changes — to become more proactive. To make it easier, here are a few ways to get started:
    Be more selective
    You likely now have more time to identify the best candidate — so take it. It will be key to look for opportunities to maximize the value brought to the job level as well as to broader business goals.
    At the job level, work with hiring managers to become familiar with the minutiae of any given role. What are the skills within the skills that are required? What kinds of tasks will the individual need to complete each day, each week, each month, each quarter? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current team dynamic? What capabilities or traits are desired outside of skills and knowledge? Are there any organizational changes coming that would impact whoever is in the role?
    At the business level, understanding how the best candidate fits can forward strategic objectives. Is the company focused on creating more leaders? Are there goals to improve company diversity by hiring more talent from underrepresented communities? Is the company interested in expanding its global footprint? What benefits or perks do you see competitors offering for similar roles?
    When you are ingrained in the needs for the role, beyond the job description, you can bring a much more nuanced set of requirements to the table when looking for the perfect match. And when you understand how the role will impact the business strategy deeply, you can ensure that the match will help drive the company forward.
    These proactive steps will help you choose candidates with such an increased level of detail that you’ll naturally improve engagement and retention for every hire.
    Nurture with more meaning
    In a recession, recruiters need to keep all candidates engaged so that they are always thinking about their company. Now is the time to get creative with how you nurture.
    Take the time to work on your craft and research your talent: Test new message styles, their length, and timing, and work at making your outreach personal. Ask yourself, what are they into? How do they like to communicate? Try to develop a message that is so customized for that individual that it wouldn’t work for anyone else. Think about how you can stand out from the other recruiters blowing them up.
    Consider adopting new technology that can help you maximize your existing databases. For example, test recruiting software that can clean up and enrich profiles in your ATS, so you can regain attention and interest from previous candidates and build a pipeline that’s prepared for the next busy season.
    Look for recruiting platforms that have engagement features built in, such as email sequencing and scheduling, so that you can reach highly qualified candidates directly, and plan your hyper-personalized outreach in advance.
    Scientists test hypotheses so that they can proactively set up an experiment to succeed. Be a scientist — test and experiment to set yourself up for success.
    Understand what works
    Sometimes data tells a very different story than what we tell ourselves. But it can be hard to find the time to take a look back at the information we have. Now’s the time for recruiters to look at what worked, what didn’t, and what questions you don’t have good answers for.
    Take a deep database dive to review past hires; see what trends surface that can help you reevaluate candidates for the future, and reassess KPIs. Did time to hire improve with candidates who had to go through fewer interviews? What changes to the hiring process impacted retention? Do you have an easier time getting responses when recruiting for more senior roles? What commonalities can you find about candidates who ghosted you?
    A solid talent strategy should also take into account what broader industry and competitive trends can reveal. Certain recruiting platforms now provide the ability to compare your company’s performance against competitors. Having insight into data like average salaries by functional area, popular geos for specific roles, or at what time talent might be more willing to make a change, can help you proactively optimize your approach for the future.
    1,000-foot view
    Breaking habits can be hard, but what better time to make changes in your approach to recruiting — to improve your game — than when the market is changing.
    When it comes to adopting a proactive mindset, the worst-case scenario is you increase your expertise and expand your capabilities. The best-case scenario is you have people ready to join your organization even before you’ve even sent out offer letters. Take it from someone who recruited in the last recession.
    Shannon Pritchett is Head of Community at both hireEZ and Evry1 (which she co-founded in 2021). Prior to joining hireEZ, she served in a variety of recruiting roles and later leveraged her industry experience and expertise to hold leadership positions at Moxy, SourceCon, CareerXroads, and beyond. As a talent acquisition leader, she remains passionate about connecting companies with their most valuable asset — people.
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    Mind the Gap: How Recruiters Can Help to Close the Gender Pay Divide

    Current headlines are littered with debates on pay in a post-pandemic hybrid world. Strikes in the UK amongst barristers are gaining momentum, professional services sectors are fighting a salary war and eye-watering C-suite bonuses are coming into question. Yet, there is still an audible silence surrounding the UK’s ever-widening gender pay gap.
    According to Major, Lindsey & Africa’s latest In-House Compensation Survey, the UK is falling behind internationally when it comes to remunerating its General Counsel equitably, with a staggering $81,610 difference between base rate salaries for men and women.
    This is just one example of the pay discrepancies that still exist amongst the top talent, but these findings exemplify that there is still a long way to go to bridge the divide. A major overhaul and culture of change in the workplace seems daunting, but small changes at the very start of the hiring process would make a world of difference.
    The affordability gap
    With a talent war raging, hiring women can no longer be seen as a diversity initiative if they are not being paid fairly. Female candidates are increasingly being hired because they are equally good for the job as their male counterparts. At the same time, they are often still considered the more affordable option. Masked by the guise of a diversity initiative, this conversely widens the pay gap. Progress will be limited if we only succeed in having more women in the boardroom but do not equitably remunerate them.
    Lessons from across the pond
    A clear-cut difference in culture is also emerging between the UK and the US when it comes to transparency surrounding pay. It is still true that In American businesses, candidates and employers alike are more willing to talk about money. This more transparent approach in the states has a huge influence on power dynamics, making conversations about salaries and bonuses more of an open discussion than a taboo to shy away from. For instance, we found that last year the difference between male and female GCs and CLOs’ bonuses in the UK stood at $179,825.
    How can candidates expect to negotiate a pay lift if they are not willing to discuss it? Fostering a culture of transparency within a company will not only bring to the fore any glaring inequalities but also encourage women to speak up about their current packages or ask for more money when joining a new company. If we dance around the matter of pay, the stigma will only continue to propagate the pay gap.
    Reversing expectations
    A simple change recruiters and HR departments alike can make when hiring new talent, is to ask a candidate what their salary expectations are, rather than their current package. Valuing the position to be filled rather than the individual conversely may result in more than the standard 10-15% uplift when moving role, but this is exactly what is necessary to close the gap. If women are to truly stand shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts in the workplace, they must first be considered as such and we need to be ambitious about expectations. When hiring a new candidate, the discussion on salary should focus on the expertise, experience, and skills they can offer.
    If the UK is to truly champion women’s equality in the workplace, systemic and deep-rooted bias and taboo will need to be broken down. The best way to do this? Start from the beginning. Recruiters’ negotiations for a candidate’s new role are the first step to breaking a cycle that has allowed the gender pay gap to become so entrenched and in opening up conversation, the stigma reinforcing the glass ceiling will start to be broken down.
    By Tanja Albers, Partner, In House Counsel Group, Major, Lindsey & Africa.
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    What is DEI? How Does it Improve the Sales & Tech Job Search Process?

    A survey of tech and sales talent revealed there’s some confusion around the acronym DEI, prompting some respondents to ask, “what is DEI?” In this article we’ll explain it as well as explain how Hired, as a company and a tech and sales career marketplace, helps jobseekers and employers experience more equitable hiring. 

    What is DEI?

    Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), together, are indicators of a progressive and supportive workplace centered around employee wellbeing and sense of belonging. In a field as forward-thinking and transformative as tech, DEI provides the necessary foundation for greater innovation through a range of voices, experiences, and backgrounds. 


    The first pillar of DEI, diversity, signifies the presence of difference in characteristics including:

    EthnicityRaceGenderAge Sexual orientationDisabilitySocioeconomic statusReligion

    Diversity means everyone is welcome. In a less palpable sense, diversity also exists in the vein of thought. Different people bring different ideas and approaches spurring creativity and efficiency. In these areas, homogeneity can’t compete. 

    Therefore, to be competitive, it benefits organizations to consistently identify non-traditional talent. It creates more robust pipelines of candidates with new ideas to drive businesses forward.


    Equity helps level the playing field by ensuring impartiality and equal access to opportunity for every individual through recognition of biases and barriers. 

    In the context of gender, data from our 2022 Wage Inequality Report shows despite progress, women are still overall less likely to receive an interview request than men. This situation could be described as an “opportunity gap.”

    Equity means everyone has the opportunity to participate. A robust pipeline of diverse candidates will not have the chance to develop unless there are equitable processes in place to allow a variety of individuals to be considered.  

    It’s important to note that equity and equality are not interchangeable terms. While equality also aims to provide resources for everyone to succeed, it does not consider that people start on a different footing. Equity, on the other hand, accounts for these disparities by providing support, or opportunity, based on imbalances in power and privilege. 


    Inclusion, the last pillar of DEI, ensures the workplace is a safe space for every employee to engage and feel they belong. It means empowering employees to bring their most authentic selves forward and feel comfortable contributing their insights, knowing they will be heard. 

    Inclusion means everyone gets to contribute. It upholds diversity by embracing every identity and fostering a workplace for all individuals to thrive. 

    DEI gives everyone a seat at the table, creating opportunities for novel connections, pioneering conversations, and unprecedented insights.

    What does DEI mean to Hired as a company?

    As a leader in diversity recruiting and hiring tools, we have a direct impact on equitable hiring and are committed to building equity in the hiring process. We are on a mission to empower connections between ambitious people and teams, but can’t accomplish it without supporting a diverse workforce. Embracing diversity helps us live out our values and drives our mission forward.

    By putting people first, we prioritize development and wellbeing. Doing so helps people flourish and feel valued, knowing they can bring their best, authentic selves to work.

    At Hired, we find strength through inclusion because what makes each person unique makes us all strong. 

    How Hired embraces DEI as an employer

    As a company, we’re always evolving, but some of the ways Hired demonstrates DEI is following the principles when attracting and hiring talent. 

    For example, when we create job descriptions, we use tools like Textio to identify any language considered counter to our DEI efforts. 

    We support an employee resource group, or ERG, called Unite. They lead internal efforts in partnership with the People Team in the form of professional development, open discussions, and building awareness. 

    This year, one of Unite’s activities has been to host a book club featuring books by diverse authors. They also sponsor philanthropic activities. 

    Interested in working with us? See open roles here.

    5 Specific DEI features and tools on Hired’s platform to help jobseekers and employers 

    One of the reasons leading talent organizations use Hired is to drive diversity in their hiring. Here are some of the features we’ve developed based on data and insights to reduce bias. 

    When employers use them, it creates greater equity for jobseekers and a more DEI-friendly environment. Along with our policy of including salary upfront in interview requests, these help improve gaps in expectations, wages, and opportunities. 

    1. Diversity Goals

    We launched Diversity Goals last year as a new way for employers to prioritize outreach to underrepresented talent, without removing relevant matching candidates. Updated filters easily surface these jobseekers to recruiters and hiring managers. 

    Diversity Goals makes the impact of DEI in hiring clear. Companies with open positions using this feature more than doubled their pipeline of underrepresented candidates. Companies using Diversity Goals also had both a lower wage and expectation gap compared to companies who didn’t use the feature. 

    More good news is the amount of employers using Diversity Goals continues to grow rapidly, meaning companies and jobseekers will continue to see the benefits of DEI in action.

    2. Salary bias alert

    Our data continues to show groups who are paid less also expect lower salaries than their white, male counterparts – even if they have the same experience. In our 2022 Wage Inequality Report, we found race contributes to the expectation gap – with Hispanic women and Black women only expecting $0.91 to every $1 salary of their white male counterparts in 2021 Hired data.

    The Salary Bias Alert feature addresses wage inequality goals by notifying employers if they are offering a lower salary than they typically do for a given job role. This helps eliminate the impact of bias on a job offer and holds employers accountable.

    3. Bias reduction mode

    Bias, even when it’s not conscious, can impact sourcing decisions. Activating this mode removes jobseekers’ profile pictures and names so employers focus evaluations solely on skills and experience. 

    4. Salary Calculator

    Hired’s Salary Calculator determines salary benchmarks based on real interview requests, helping jobseekers know their worth. It is a great tool to compare salaries in some of the top cities worldwide, depending on your years of experience. See what you could be making with a company on Hired!

    Related: Evaluate the Job & Negotiate the Job Offer You Deserve

    5. Assessments

    Hired assessments enforce skills-based hiring by helping employers evaluate applicants’ skills remotely with customizable relevant, valuable, and consistent questions. These assessments help reduce hiring bias by leveling the playing field and standardizing evaluation processes.

    “Technical assessments are a valuable tool for candidates to showcase their skills to employers because it goes beyond explaining what you do on a resume…it shows the employers how skilled you really are!”Lupe Colangelo, Employer Partnerships Manager @ General Assembly

    Jobseeker resources: partners who support DEI

    Numerous Hired partners promote opportunities for underrepresented jobseekers across upskilling, cross training, and community. By supporting and partnering with organizations like these we can help connect employers with a more diverse pipeline of employees: 

    Related Blog: Coding Bootcamps Non-Traditional Education for Tech Talent

    Are you an employer looking to drive DEI in your organization? Hired is here to help. By leveraging our platform’s innovative DEI tools and transparent salary data, build diverse teams and close critical wage gaps—one hire at a time. 

    Want to learn more about how to advocate for DEI and be an ally? Watch the 2022 State of Wage Inequality in Tech: Close the Gap with Advocacy & Allyship Webinar below.

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    Tech Candidate Spotlight – Ricardo Xavier, Software Engineer

    Thanks for joining us, Ricardo! Can you share a little bit about your educational background?

    I have my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and I later pursued a Masters degree in Distributed Systems, which I completed in 2019.

    Which educational opportunities have made the biggest impact on your tech career?

    My Bachelor’s degree was the experience that really shaped my way of thinking when approaching problems. It made me realise building software is more than making something fulfill a basic functionality. It is also about fulfilling non-functional requirements and thinking ahead about possible issues we may encounter during the whole software lifecycle.

    What would you like to learn more about?

    Taking into account my new position in software engineering, I would like to dig into some of the most common databases and how they work internally. Non-tech related, I would like to read more about soft skills like time management.

    What led you to pursue a career in tech?

    My interest in solving problems using software and my natural curiosity about things are the two main reasons behind my pursuit of a tech career. Since I was a child, I knew what I wanted to do when I was older. I was lucky to have a computer at an early age.

    This unlocked my passion for computers and since then, I’ve spent a lot of time in front of a screen. However, I only began coding in high school and by then, I already knew I wanted to study Computer Science at university.

    Related: Hired Releases 2022 State of Software Engineers Data Report

    How has your skillset evolved over the course of your career?

    It’s definitely still evolving. I feel like there is a lot to learn. Initially, I felt having knowledge gaps wasn’t okay but with time I’ve realized it is totally fine – I just need to continue working on filling the gaps.

    If you chose to specialize in one area, what was it and why?

    I chose to specialise in Distributed Systems. I am fascinated by the problems that arise when software needs to scale up and how every little detail can make the difference in these systems.

    Is your new role different from previous ones?

    It’s completely different. Previously, I worked for one of the top low code platforms on the market. My role was to ensure that one of the high availability services was fully operational all the time and I was tasked with incrementally adding functionality to it.

    My new position is a data-centric engineering position in which the biggest challenges are connected to ingesting and processing big loads of data.

    Related: Tech Candidate Spotlight – Kyle Mercer

    What are some of the things you’re most excited about in your new role?

    Making software that scales with large volumes of data is something that excites me. Entering this new area that I don’t know a lot about is also a great opportunity for learning.

    What was your job search experience like before you joined Hired?

    I’ve only been through the job search once after college. It was the traditional way of finding a job where I created a CV and searched for positions on numerous websites. It was a tiring and frustrating experience.

    What’s your best advice for job seekers registered on the Hired platform? 

    Build a strong profile! Highlight your best achievements, show the impact you had in your previous job experiences, and share the value you can bring to a new company. If you have a hard time assessing your impact, ask for a second opinion from someone who has worked closely with you.

    They will probably be able to identify things you’ve done that impacted the team/company positively. Remember that a team achievement is also your achievement, so I encourage you to share those achievements with the world.

    What would you tell someone who’s curious about Hired?

    If you’re looking for a job in tech, give it a try. You have high chances of finding a great match for your profile. Hired is new to HRs in my local area so I was unsure of whether I would find something that would match my profile and skills here. However, I was surprised to see Hired got me my best offer after searching for jobs on multiple platforms. It has brought me here so I definitely recommend that you try it out.

    Any general advice you’d like to give other tech professionals?

    The best advice I can give a tech professional was given to me a few years ago at a college conference: Take half an hour each week to learn about and work on yourself. It will bring huge benefits in the long run, and you should focus on learning both hard and soft skills.

    About LandTech

    LandTech is a software company building B2B SaaS Products for the Property Industry, empowering property developers to build the places that communities need to thrive. Founded in 2014, LandTech has between 51-200 employees and is headquartered in London.

    Tech Stack

    Node.js, MongoDB, EC2, JavaScript, Vue.JS, AWS, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, TypeScript, Test Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), DevOps, PostgreSQL


    Health/dental/vision/life/disability insurance, maternity and paternity benefits, unlimited time off, tuition reimbursement, conferences reimbursement, flexible working hours, and more. More