Full Time
Mobile Application developer for both android and IOS.
Key responsibilities:
• Developing software solutions to meet customer needs.
• Creating and implementing the source code of new applications.
• Testing source code and debugging code.
• Evaluating existing applications and performing updates and modifications.
• Developing technical handbooks to represent the design and code of new applications.
Skills required
• A working knowledge of programming languages such as Java and ORACLE.
• Experience in application and software development.
• Knowledge of software design and programming principles.
• Good mathematical and problem-solving skills.
• Good communication and team-working skills.
• Professional approach to time, costs and deadlines
After the last restructure of the group in 2013 the Group have focused on the three sectors of the business in order to maintain its growth and face the challenges the region is experiencing, all under the umbrella of “Creative Business Models .. are the Wining Models under any circumstances” The Group have secured major global partnerships enhancing further the strength of the local knowledge and network with global experience.
The flexible and dynamic transformation of the group makes “seeing beyond” the new marketing communication strategy keeping the Group always ahead.
The new theme is identified through a simple cloud communication image, a lot of us may see it as a simple cloud, but when seeing beyond it could represent many ideas that could become a reality, so our communication is simple “if you could just see beyond what is portrait in front of you could achieve a lot more than what you see!” so we believe at Al Faisal Group that we are your partners that can help you see beyond.
Source: Job Posting - gulftalent.com