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    5 Ways to Help Employees Manage the Psychological Stress of Hybrid Burnout

    COVID-19 changed many employees’ work routines, both in positive and negative ways.
    As a result of long-term remote working, many companies are considering introducing hybrid working models, giving staff the option of combining working from home with going into the office.
    However, hybrid working could also have a significant impact on employee mental health with many reporting symptoms of ‘hybrid burnout’.
    Burnout is defined as a phenomenon ‘resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.’ In 2020 it became a recognized condition by the WHO.
    Hybrid burnout is the result of juggling long hours working from home with commutes to offices, which can not only be physically exhausting but also take a considerable toll on employee stress levels.
    But what can businesses do to help employees manage the physical and mental health implications of a hybrid working environment?
    1. Recognize the signs
    Individuals in management should become aware of the signs and symptoms caused by hybrid burnout, as well as what they can do to prevent or respond to it.
    Staff may become fatigued, forgetful, and struggle to concentrate, with so much going on around them. Early on, this may make people feel worried, irritable, on edge, or tense.
    Further down the line, this anxiety – caused by juggling multiple work environments- may become so severe that it affects professionals’ ability to work productively (or at all).
    There are also potential physical symptoms to consider, like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and headaches.
    2. Assess company culture
    A Gallup study revealed the main causes of burnout are not the nature of the work itself, rather, how a person is treated and managed while they are working.
    Consider how different leadership approaches might impact employees. For example, behaviors like bias or unfair corporate policies can cause stress and lead to overworking, with staff feeling a need to ‘prove their worth’.
    Make certain that healthy work behaviors are modeled from the top. Help employees understand their value to the company and their contributions to the organization’s goals. Employees feel more valued, and display more motivation in the workplace if, and when, they understand their exact role in the greater purpose.
    Take a few minutes each week to update employees on company news and how your team’s actions are contributing to the company’s overall success.
    Also, make time to tell staff specifically what you value about their contributions. Try to build this into your regular routines, perhaps by starting your team meetings with shout-outs acknowledging the accomplishments of individual team members.
    3. Encourage conversations
    As well as ensuring all staff feels appreciated and comfortable in their roles, managers need to ensure they demonstrate to their teams that the business has an open, supportive and welcoming approach when staff are distressed or finding it difficult to cope.
    Employees need to feel conversations about difficulties surrounding work are both welcomed and expected.
    This requires employers to feel empowered to enable better conversations about mental health in the workplace. At Nuffield Health, we introduced Emotional Literacy training for all staff.
    92 percent of whom took the training stated they felt able to support a colleague in distress. Initiatives like this build an open community, and a common language, encouraging more people to say “I’m not OK” and ask others “Are you OK?”.
    Employees should also be signposted to any other designated people, like, mental health champions for additional support.
    4. Communicate set policies
    It’s important company policies that promote good work/life balance are widely communicated. With hybrid working, this means using multiple channels to ensure you reach all employees, whether it’s through company social media platforms, emails, or even by text alerts.
    Actively nurturing and promoting reasonable work hours, including, if necessary, encouraging employees to go home, when in the office late, or messaging them to ‘go offline’, at the end of their regular workday if you recognize a pattern of unhealthy overworking.
    Help assess workloads for those who feel pressured to remain working beyond normal business hours and let them know there is always support available and additional resources to help them manage mounting projects or multiple deadlines.
    Sometimes employees simply don’t realize these are things they are welcome to ask for.
    5. Provide professional emotional wellbeing support
    A recent Nuffield Health whitepaper revealed spending more than 2.5 days a week working away from the office can be associated with deterioration in co-worker relationships and job satisfaction.
    For those having difficulty with the balance between remote and office life, consider introducing professional wellbeing support like Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) and timely access to effective psychological therapy (such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy).
    These interventions can be delivered remotely or face to face and give individuals access to a specialist who can help them understand and break unhelpful thinking patterns and “what if” thinking that may exacerbate stress and burnout in uncertain times.
    By Gosia Bowling, National Lead for Emotional Wellbeing, Nuffield Health.
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    5 Networking Mistakes Job Seekers Make

    Regardless of the role or industry, nearly every job requires networking in some form in order to be successful. No matter how talented a business owner is or how in-demand his or her products are, a company can’t succeed without reaching the right people. This applies to a job search as well, as those who have successful careers typically have strong personal and professional networks and vice versa.
    Though networking, both face-to-face and online, has become a necessary staple of the job search process, some job seekers still seem to get it wrong. Of course, there are some whose products or services are so in demand that they will make connections regardless of their actions. But for most of us, networking takes time and effort, and understanding how valuable connections are made and why they’re necessary will improve job seekers’ chances of achieving career success. Let’s look at a few networking mistakes job seekers often make, and how they can damage their prospects.
    1. The Hard Seller
    The goal of networking should be to establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with individuals with similar interests. These relationships can then be leveraged when seeking employment, referrals, recommendations, advice, or mentoring. Certainly, networking requires some self-promotion; otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to determine who has similar backgrounds and interests. Unfortunately, some see networking as an opportunity to take self-promotion to the extreme, giving everyone they meet the “hard sell.” The goal of these hard sellers is to try to impress as many people as possible by talking about themselves as much as possible. This often produces the opposite of their intended results, as many are turned off by braggarts who show little interest in others.
    2. The Self-Server
    While hard sellers will network with anyone willing to listen to them talk about their favorite subject (themselves), self-servers are only willing to network with those who they believe can help advance their careers. Once they target someone, they may also prove to be hard sellers. However, if self-servers discover that the person they’re speaking with doesn’t have the professional clout they originally thought, they won’t waste another second before abruptly ending the conversation and searching for someone with the credentials necessary to further their career goals.
    3. The Poor Communicator
    Communication is the backbone of nearly every job, and it’s rare to find a successful employee with poor communication skills. Therefore, when networking with professionals who can help launch or advance one’s career, it’s imperative to demonstrate strong communication skills from the first interaction. Job seekers who use poor grammar, talk too much or too little or appear socially awkward or reluctant to answer questions about their background may raise concerns about their ability to communicate with coworkers, managers or clients once hired. While socializing may pose a challenge to introverts, it’s only the first of many hurdles they must clear during the job search process.
    4. The Bad First Impression
    As the saying goes, first impressions last, and making a bad first impression can be hard to overcome when networking with well-connected industry professionals. Whether it’s right or wrong, many people judge others on their appearance, and job seekers who attend networking events dressed sloppily or inappropriately are starting off on the wrong foot. Attire and grooming habits are often taken into account, as is the ability to give a proper handshake and personal introduction. Also, if alcohol is served, overindulging can be seen as a red flag and could easily kill potential job offers. Job seekers should always be cognizant of how they’re being perceived by those with whom they hope to form lasting professional relationships.
    5. Failure to Follow Up
    Oftentimes, those who are in a position to help others with their career or business goals are willing to meet at a later date or talk by phone, and will end their initial meeting with a simple “call me.” Job seekers should consider this a test to see if they can follow instructions and are truly worth the effort. Those who fail to follow up, who call at the wrong time, or who simply forget to call prove that their reliability is questionable, and recommending them for employment becomes a risk if they were to show similar unreliability at work. Also, sending a thank-you note to those who go out of their way to help is always a good practice, whereas failing to acknowledge their effort may appear selfish or inconsiderate.
    Networking is often the first step in the job search process; therefore, it should be treated with the same dedication and professionalism as job interviews or work functions. Also, networking should be viewed as a two-way street. Each party should be willing to help the other, and today’s job seeker may be tomorrow’s employer or mentor. Just like a successful career, networking can’t be achieved overnight but requires an investment in time. Those who approach it with a professional, friendly, selfless, and persistent attitude will eventually see positive results.
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    How Behavioral Science Can Drive a Menopause-friendly Workplace

    Research shows nearly eight out of 10 menopausal women are in work, with many in senior leadership positions.
    However, despite the evident disruption of the transition to those at the peak of their careers – and the resulting wider workplace impact – menopause remains a largely unspoken and unsupported taboo.
    That’s why Nuffield Health is pioneering a change to the way we approach menopause in the workplace, using behavioral science and health psychology to promote inclusive and supportive environments.
    The research on menopause in the workplace
    The menopause transition is experienced differently by each individual, making it only more concerning that so many are having to manage their symptoms in silence. Understanding experiences is key in providing relevant interventions.
    For example, research shows one in four women experience serious menopause symptoms. This may include feelings of depression and anxiety and difficulty sleeping. 60 percent of women also report poor concentration and forgetfulness during the menopausal transition.
    As a result, daily tasks can become a challenge. Individuals may have difficulty focusing when reading text, lose confidence when speaking with – or in front of – others, and even miss deadlines due to impaired memory.
    Even for those who don’t experience the psychological symptoms of menopause, the workplace can still be a place to avoid. Busy and stuffy environments can exacerbate physical symptoms such as hot flushes and headaches.
    The role of behavioral science
    Research tells us that employees don’t need the workplace to ‘manage their menopause’ or their symptoms. What they want is an environment that recognizes their experiences and provides the right support to enable them to thrive and reach their full potential.
    This understanding, combined with a behavioral science approach, helps businesses do more than just understand menopausal issues – driving tangible change and creating an inclusive and supportive environment.
    Inviting external experts to run seminars or workshops, as well as running internal training sessions, helps employees in the workplace adopt helpful and positive behavioral changes and contribute to building a ‘menopause friendly’ workplace.
    This includes both menopausal individuals, who feel more confident in speaking about their difficulties, as well as non-menopausal individuals who better understand the challenges and are able to adopt more helpful behaviors to support colleagues.
    Keeping these sessions short and regular boosts engagement and buy-in, too. Busy employees find 15–45-minute sessions accessible and are more likely to retain information, while addressing these topics every few months means the organization is better able to support new starters, too.
    Evaluating the impact of these sessions by measuring attendee knowledge and attitudes helps businesses better understand how menopause is understood and experienced in the workplace, helping to plan future strategies for building healthy and inclusive work environments.
    Practical solutions for businesses
    Although menopause is largely covered under three protected characteristics: age, sex, and disability discrimination, conscientious businesses should have a menopause policy that goes beyond legal tick boxes. Appropriate policies should cover the adjustments available to those experiencing menopause and be communicated to the whole team. There is no point in having a policy if nobody knows it exists.
    While creating a comprehensive menopause policy, businesses must also recognize individuals who are experiencing difficulties and in need of support. Here, the question becomes ‘what can I do to support you today?’. Whilst employers may not currently be able to provide a full suite of interventions, everyone is able to initiate helpful conversations that recognize individual experiences and identify any support needed.
    Practical solutions for managers
    Around 4 in 10 women who have gone through menopause felt they were unable to talk about it at work, especially with their manager.
    Team leaders are often seen as the first line of support for struggling employees. So, it’s important they are equipped to hold conversations around menopausal challenges and are confident in signposting team members towards additional support. This may include understanding the reasonable adjustments the business can offer, such as flexible and remote working, shift changes, adequate breaks, rest areas, and access to toilets and washing facilities.
    Similarly, upskilling emotional wellbeing champions to provide support to those experiencing menopause gives individuals alternative points of contact where meaningful and supportive conversations can take place.
    Practical solutions for peers
    Everyone has a role to play in easing the negative impact of menopause in the workplace and colleagues can play their part by engaging in any available training and educational sessions. Simply being aware of others’ experiences can reduce stigma and make it less daunting for individuals to speak about their experiences or seek help.
    Employees should also be aware of the impact of their language. By simply moving away from a medicalized vocabulary when discussing menopause – towards a more relatable model of distress, which is something we can all relate to – we can reduce the stigma around the transition.
    Similarly, hosting Menopause Exchange Forums – with both men and women – encourages informal conversations around symptoms, struggles, and the sharing of tips and coping mechanisms. These can then be supplemented with informal messenger chats where people can share their experiences day to day and provide each other with mutual support.
    Practical solutions for individuals
    The first step for individuals is to talk. Speaking with colleagues, employers, and health specialists helps menopausal employees feel they are not alone and that their experiences are common and valid.
    Menopausal women commonly attribute their symptoms to anything other than menopause, due to ongoing stigma and feelings of shame or embarrassment. However, by communicating their experiences they will be able to find the support they need from those around them. This may include support in managing their workload to compensate for memory loss or even access to more formal support offered by the business.
    For example, emotional wellbeing support such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or EAPs provides access to specialists who can help individuals understand and manage their psychological symptoms. This in turn can also help alleviate physical symptoms, as when stress is well managed, cortisol levels drop which helps reduce physical difficulties associated with menopause transition.
    By Gosia Bowling, National Lead for Emotional Wellbeing, Nuffield Health.
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    Leading by Example to Enhance Employee Physical and Emotional Wellbeing

    ‘Putting your own life jacket on, before helping others’
    Research shows employees are putting in an average of 9 hours of unpaid overtime per week.
    Does this surprise you? Probably not.
    Overwork culture – with long hours and constant exhaustion- is still seen as a badge of honor within the workplace. This is despite the WHO revealing the negative long-term implications of such behavior, including exhaustion, burnout, and a possible deterioration in mental health.
    So, why do many of us managing others still lead in this counterproductive way?
    Badge of Honor
    There are lots of practical factors connected to overworking and taking on as many tasks as possible that are thrown our way. But socio-economic factors associated with ‘overworking’ are also deeply ingrained in our workplace culture.
    Many of us simply work long hours to keep our jobs, pay off debt, or so we’re first in line for that long-awaited promotion.
    For those that adopt a culture of long, intense work hours, there’s often a performative element involved. Overwork is often seen as a peculiar sign of success.
    Whether this is defined by a fancy job title or lifestyle, or even by demonstrating actual exhaustion, the ‘kudos’ associated with overworking hold firm.
    Overworking also depends on the industry type and role you are in. For example, people in jobs geared towards helping others, like line managers, tend to work longer hours that can result in physical and emotional exhaustion.
    Enter the global pandemic
    The pandemic has intensified negative work behaviors across all work hierarchies, with COVID culture impacting employees, line managers, and senior leaders.
    While working from home has its perks, it also means there is technology around us continually throughout the day. There is not a clear separation between ‘being at work’ in a working environment and ‘being at home’.
    Financial volatility also rose during this timeframe, which drives many companies to act with a ‘we need to get more done for less’ attitude.
    Worryingly, mass redundancies and furlough schemes meant higher workloads, stricter deadlines, and increased concerns about job security. As a result, many managers took on a lot of this extra strain to cover the workloads of newly missing team members.
    Making yourself accountable
    Overworking is usually a top-down issue. It can only be tackled by a fundamental shift in management behavior. One of the big worries is many individuals in leadership positions are persuaded there’s no problem with it.
    However, managers should acknowledge the risk of burn-out and a decline in mental and physical health if they continue to work in this way.
    Furthermore, they are modeling unhealthy behaviors to their teams, which could have far-reaching adverse side effects. As more employees follow your example, the more likely it is that physical and mental health issues spread to become a company-wide epidemic.
    What’s more, it’s not helping companies either. Employees who are feeling an imbalanced state of well-being are 33 percent more likely to seek a new role elsewhere. In contrast, when an employee experiences positive well-being, this drops to 8 percent.
    Considering such findings, managers need to look at ways to protect their mental health and wellbeing, which can be mirrored to their teams, encouraging others to follow suit.
    Where to start
    Start small. Take those breaks. Make sure you’re taking all your annual leave, and delineate some time where devices are turned off, and you don’t look at them. Everyone needs some clear headspace and others need to know this is a company-wide expectation.
    Get a temperature check on how those around you feel about their workloads by running a few short, informal meetings, either online or in-person, so teams don’t feel further stressed.
    There are unexpected benefits to caring for employees who feel unable to switch off from work.  More employees will be loyal to you, as a manager, if you recognize signs of distress and urge them to take time out.
    Promoting emotional health
    Leading by example is easier to achieve if you feel confident in doing so.
    You need to be aware of the support offerings provided by your workplace. A useful workplace wellbeing strategy blends physical offerings like private health assessments, onsite or subsidized gym memberships with emotional wellbeing support.
    Liaising with HR and ensuring policies contain these perspectives is important. Ask about the possibility of additional training in Mental Health Awareness, to help you notice the signs of possible mental health issues in yourself and others.
    Company offerings like employee assistance programs (EAPs) and cognitive behavioral therapy may be something to discuss as a permanent investment. The presence of an emotional wellbeing therapist in the workplace communicates clearly that conversations about mental health are welcome and expected.
    Digital or virtual therapy solutions can be effective too. Remember, for many people, the notion of sharing a vulnerability or admitting a problem, is a barrier in itself. However, some research suggests psychotherapy conducted online is as effective as face-to-face sessions. During 2020 Nuffield Health therapists delivered 3.7 million minutes of therapy remotely.
    Encouraging physical activity
    Evidence suggests that executives who look after their physical health are more effective leaders. Frequent exercise boosts brain health, improving memory function and the ability to process new information. Exercise can also improve sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression, and anxiety.
    It is important physical health is not overlooked in workplaces where there are high-stress levels and a culture of long work hours.
    The less anxious you are and the better you are at reacting to the circumstances around you, the better you’ll work under pressure.
    Managers should look for gaps in their routines where they could replace something sedentary with exercise.
    Why not try shaking up work routines with activities by organizing ‘walk and talk’ meetings? These can make gatherings more efficient as employees are likely to become energized than lethargic during a brisk walk.
    As restrictions begin to lift, take advantage of any offerings from your company like discounted or free memberships to local gyms, classes, or taking part in a sponsored workplace group in a charity event like a fundraising run. Encourage people to join you, to increase physical activity across your teams.
    For those working from home, continue to offer a level of flexibility for when people exercise. This is so employees feel comfortable exercising when it is convenient for them. It’s important those who began a fitness routine at home do not stop because they feel guilty working out when others are in the office.
    By Gosia Bowling, National Lead for Emotional Wellbeing, Nuffield Health.
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    Are Workers & Applicants Demanding Remote Flexibility for Good?

    The COVID-19 era of work and life has been a crazy ride. Life was seemingly put on hold for many months last year and parts of it are still not back to normal today. As we all work to get past COVID-19 and the long-lasting impact on work and life, one thing has surely changed for good — the corporate office.
    Recently, GoodHire surveyed 3,500 Americans to gain a better understanding of what has actually changed in the world of office work as well as remote work.
    What they uncovered seems to be extremely useful information for recruiters, HR pros, and their employers.
    Remote Work is King
    GoodHire’s survey found that an overwhelming 68% of Americans would opt for remote work over in-office work. This is a huge shift from previous decades in which the majority of people had never experienced even a single day of remote work.
    In most cases, people now have the technology at their disposal to perform at a high level from any location, so it makes sense that they would prefer to avoid their usual commute, office clothes, and many other things that bother the average office worker.
    What’s even more shocking is the part of the survey which revealed that 61% of survey respondents said they would take a salary cut just to continue working remotely!
    It’s clear that the people want to maintain remote work, and they’ll literally pay for it.
    Adjusting to the New Normal
    Just because employees are fond of remote work, that doesn’t mean employers feel the same way. But should they?
    The same survey revealed that 67% of Americans believe that companies not offering remote work would struggle to attract applicants, and many also stated that those same companies not offering remote work might have to increase salaries to attract talent willing to work in the office.
    This is hugely important information for recruiting purposes. In order to attract top talent, employers must consider the option of a hybrid approach or even a remote-first setup.
    While recruiting for remote roles can be more difficult at times due to the lack of face-to-face interaction, recruiting pros are becoming increasingly more adept at this process as the year goes on. And for good reason. Companies offering remote work are offering more than just that, and it means a lot to their employees.
    They’re offering freedom, autonomy, and trust. They’re straying away from the old-school office environment that so many dislike. And by embracing remote work, companies are giving themselves a head-start toward attracting the nation’s top talent.
    Keeping Current Employees Happy
    While recruiting can be hugely helped by offering remote opportunities, we should not forget about current employees, either.
    GoodHire’s survey found that 74% of Americans believe that they would need a continued remote work offering from their current employer to stay at their current job.
    This is a huge shift for HR professionals who are not used to monitoring culture and working environments with remote employees. But the people have spoken, to retain employees and to keep them happy at work, remote opportunities are key.
    More Key Findings
    In addition to the findings mentioned above, GoodHire’s survey also revealed that:

    A huge majority — 85% of Americans — believe that their colleagues and other employees around the nation prefer working remotely rather than working from the company office.
    61% of Americans would be willing to take a pay cut to maintain remote working status. Some workers even suggested they would take a 50% pay cut to avoid returning to the office.
    45% of Americans would either quit their job or immediately start a remote work job search if they were forced to return to their office full-time. Almost one-quarter of the respondents said, specifically, they would quit if a return-to-office mandate was instituted.
    74% of Americans need a continued remote working arrangement to stay at their current job.
    85% of Americans prefer to apply for jobs that offer remote flexibility, while just 15% would apply for a position that requires total full-time office work.
    60% of Americans would move to a new city just for the opportunity to work remotely in any capacity.
    70% of Americans would forfeit benefits to maintain remote working status, most commonly: health insurance, paid time off, retirement accounts, and more.
    84% of Americans need to see COVID-19 safety protocols in place before considering a return to their company’s office.

    By Sara Korolevich, Director of Content at GoodHire. GoodHire is a company that provides a flexible and efficient alternative to complex background checks.
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    Taking a Step Back: How to Apply for a Job When You’re Overqualified

    We’ve all heard the saying – sometimes you need to take a step back to take several steps forward. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world to take many steps back, but in doing so, progress has been made in areas such as remote work scheduling, video conferencing technology, and understanding the challenges facing working parents. Unemployment has been a significant issue since the start of the pandemic, as a number of industries were hit hard and have yet to recover. As a result, employees have had to reprioritize in order to reenter the workforce.
    In a perfect world, a career path would have no bumps. Employees would move smoothly from one job to another, each with progressive titles, increasing responsibilities, and higher salaries. But things don’t always go as planned, and when unexpected layoffs occur and bills start piling up, it’s far less important to wait for the next big career opportunity than it is to just get back to work. Consequently, some unemployed workers and new grads have been forced to take a step back by applying for jobs for which they’re overqualified in order to eventually move forward.
    There are several reasons why employers may be hesitant to hire those whose knowledge, skills or experience exceed the requirements for their target role. However, there are ways job seekers can market themselves for such positions that can increase their chances of success. Let’s look at a few of each.
    Employer Concerns
    When asked about employers’ hesitancy to hire overqualified candidates, Jill Chapman, Senior Performance Consultant with Insperity Recruiting Services, provides several reasons. The first is compensation demands. Better qualified employees command higher salaries, and even if they’re willing to accept less for a lower-skilled role, chances are they’ll soon expect a raise. Another reason is that overqualified employees may be harder to manage or have more trouble taking direction than their less-experienced counterparts. A third reason is that overqualification could result in job dissatisfaction and boredom. While those who are unemployed may be willing to accept a lesser role in order to return to work, how long will they remain interested and engaged doing work they don’t find challenging? And finally, overqualified employees may simply use the position as a steppingstone or temporary filler until something better comes along.
    Customize Resumes
    Shifting focus to what candidates can do to ensure that more experience doesn’t yield fewer interviews, Chapman recommends applicants customize their resume for each role. Most job seekers already know to do this; however, when there’s a disparity between candidate experience and job requirements, it becomes even more important. In many cases, the skills or qualifications that make candidates overqualified may not be relevant to the position for which they’re applying and can be omitted from their resume. Rather than listing their most impressive career accomplishments, applicants should instead focus on areas of experience from past positions that directly relate to the new role’s duties and responsibilities. They can then use the resume’s summary section or bullet points under previous roles to highlight the relationship between past and future success.
    Include a Cover Letter
    Cover letters have become a hot topic of debate in recent years as to whether employers and recruiters actually read them. However, when it comes to communicating pertinent information such as why a seemingly overqualified candidate is interested in a particular position, they can be invaluable. Chapman suggests applicants use a cover letter to explain their interest in the role or company, citing specific elements of the job that are attractive, as well as reasons such as the company’s reputation, culture, work/life balance or even location. By showing that candidates have a genuine interest in the role and company and have taken the time to research them both thoroughly, employers will be more inclined to overlook their overqualification in favor of hiring loyal and dedicated employees.
    Prepare Responses in Advance
    Applicants should anticipate questions regarding their overqualification in interviews by preparing responses in advance. According to Chapman, citing a history of long-term employment with the same company can help temper employer concerns of job-hopping. Likewise, reiterating candidates’ interest in the role and company listed in their cover letter can work to their advantage. Finally, sharing references from previous employers can help convince hiring managers that candidates are applying for the right reasons and would be an asset to the company regardless of overqualification.
    Think Strategically
    Candidates can benefit from thinking strategically when applying for roles for which they may be overqualified, and convincing hiring managers to do the same. As Chapman points out, the scope of the position may grow in the future, and candidates with more experience or qualifications could easily grow with the role while taking on new responsibilities. This could benefit the company in the long run, allowing for faster growth and greater profitability than if they hire a less-experienced worker who requires more training or doesn’t possess the same potential for growth. In short, hiring an employee whose qualifications exceed the position’s requirements can be an investment in the company’s future.
    Due to the high unemployment rate resulting from COVID-19, job seekers are applying for more positions than in recent years. Naturally, those who are anxious to return to the workforce may expand the range of roles they would consider, including those for which they may be under- or overqualified. Employers now have their pick of candidates, and hiring those who are overqualified for a position can be both an advantage and disadvantage. Experienced job seekers must therefore learn to market themselves to employers while positioning their overqualification as an asset, not a drawback.
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    Making a Difference: Mental Health in Professional Services

    Pre-Covid, the professional services industry was already focusing on ways to better foster employee mental health. However, the pandemic has greatly amplified the need for wellbeing support across the sector, with the impact of working from home and the broader health impacts of the virus taking a growing toll.
    This should come as a warning shot to professional services businesses – well-known to often be fast-paced and high-intensity workplaces even before the pandemic. Indeed, poor mental health has a very significant economic cost to employers, with recent research from Deloitte putting the cost to UK employers at up to £45 billion each year (a rise of 16% since 2016).
    Put simply, employee wellbeing is no longer something that businesses can afford to overlook. From embracing more flexible post-pandemic working to tackling ‘always on’ culture, forward-looking firms are already starting to benefit from investing in the long-term mental health of their staff. What’s more, recruiters and hiring managers are going to need to highlight their firms’ mental health policies during hiring processes earlier and with more prominence than ever before.
    The impact of the pandemic
    One of the most significant and lasting impacts of the pandemic has been the mass exodus of workers from offices to home working environments – this shift has had a significant impact on people’s mental health. In fact, according to recent research by ‘Divided Together’, 49% of UK professional services employees experienced a drop in the quality of their mental wellbeing during the first lockdown in 2020, with 44% saying they ‘were making an effort to seem upbeat when they didn’t feel it’.
    This overwhelming decline in worker mental health can partly be attributed to the solitary nature of working from home, but it is also a result of reduced concentration levels. Professional services respondents attributed this mental health deterioration to missing their usual routine (46%), finding it hard to concentrate (44%), being worried about the health of others (43%), or spending more time alone (36%).
    With restrictions easing, long-term remote working policies have been the topic de jure. However, it is how people will return to their offices that have the greatest significance for mental health. In a recent Totum Partners survey, more than 70% of firms said they are considering implementing some form of hybrid working policy in the future (some days spent in the office each week, others working from home). Done well, hybrid working can offer huge benefits to employees, providing everyone with long-term flexibility, all-important face-to-face contact, and critically, better balance for worker mental health.
    Therefore, companies looking to hire new talent will need to show that their firm is willing to adopt hybrid working policies while also being able to balance the mental health needs of their current employees. With a larger proportion of new recruits asking about mental health policy and hybrid working in interviews than ever before, hiring managers and recruiters need to highlight this company attributes at a much earlier stage.
    The ‘always on’ work culture
    A further wellbeing consideration that has come to light as a result of the pandemic is the risk of the ‘always-on’ culture. Presenteeism and the inability to switch off was a growing concern already prevalent before the pandemic, but taking the workplace home has only intensified the pressure for employees to be constantly available, with people finding it more difficult to separate home and work life. This has been especially challenging for workers that have not had the benefit of a home office and have found themselves working from the kitchen table or at makeshift desks.
    Addressing ‘always on culture’ and encouraging employees to set boundaries between work and home life must be a top priority for businesses in the post-pandemic era. In fact, those businesses that equate more hours with greater productivity, stand to lose not only the best talent and the best their employees can offer, but they also stand to bear the financial cost of workers’ mental ill-health.
    When recruiting new talent, it is equally important to show prospective employees that the business they are interviewing for respects the need for a good work-life balance, especially in a world where the ‘always-on’ culture has become second nature.
    A perfect time to find an effective solution
    There’s little doubt that the pandemic has created a significant challenge for worker mental health – a shadow epidemic in its own right. However, the pandemic also serves as a watershed moment to address the issues that have faced workers even prior to Covid. Now is the perfect opportunity to address the deep-seated issues concerning mental health within some parts of the professional services sector. Those that fail to seize this opportunity, will not only pay the price in lost talent, but they will also see the impact on their bottom lines.
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    How to Succeed at Work, Post-Pandemic  

    Since March 2020, a lot has changed within our workplaces and teams. You may be permanently working in your home office, or your team may have changed its size or makeup. Even your role may have been adapted to survive the pandemic. As a result, it’s completely normal to feel a little lost or overwhelmed when compared to your situation over a year ago. To help, we’re sharing insights from our recent webinar with three incredible speakers: Simone White, Matthew Want, and Shakyra Campbell. While the focus of the webinar was on helping assistants (PAs, EAs, business assistants) overcome obstacles in their careers, we believe the advice they shared is applicable to almost everyone – especially recruiters.
    Bring your whole self to work
    During the webinar, Shakyra said we would aim to “be authentically [ourselves] at work”. On a basic level, you need to know who you are and understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Beyond that, it’s also ensuring you continue to bring the unique aspects of your personality to work as well. Many of us have seen different facets of each other’s personal lives over the past few months. Whether it’s a beloved pet or a treasured souvenir on the fridge door in the background of video calls, these glimpses of our colleagues’ personalities acted as a bridge to bring us closer. As many of us move back into the office, it’s important we continue to bring these personal aspects of ourselves with us. The personal and professional are now forever merged, so having the confidence to show your authenticity is essential to being able to succeed in your role.
    Develop essential traits
    If you’re feeling a little lost, it may be wise to focus on developing traits that you know are essential to you being able to succeed in your role. As recruiters, alongside being authentic in all your interactions, resilience is also integral. We’ve all experienced having a bad day, week, or month at work. It’s those who can get up again after falling down who will be able to succeed in the long term. Chances are, if you’ve gotten through the difficulties of the past year, you have more than enough resilience!
    Another key trait for many is emotional intelligence (EQ), or the ability to manage your emotions in a positive way for both yourself and others. This is something you can develop over time, through various exercises, videos, and courses available online, however, starting the journey takes some level of self-reflection. Ask yourself: how do you communicate? How do you take criticism? How much empathy do you have for others? By building up your emotional intelligence, you can help the candidates you’re working with by better empathizing with their situation and managing their expectations. You’ll also communicate more effectively with your clients, which is absolutely essential for building relationships.
    Recognize the importance of networks, sponsors, and mentors
    If you’ve ever thought about reaching out to others for help in your career, now is a fantastic time to do so. You can do this by becoming part of a network or developing a relationship with a sponsor or mentor. Networks are helpful as they allow you to connect with your peers. Not only that, Simone mentioned that a network can be “a catalyst for change” internally within your organization. Inhouse Recruitment is a great example of a network, as they offer specialist training and a community for you to connect with your fellow recruiters. It’s also a good idea to look to social media to see if there are any virtual networks you can join.
    Fostering a relationship with a sponsor is different from being part of a network, as they can use their influence and power to move your career forward. Your manager is likely to be your sponsor at work, so it’s important to be open with them about your future ambitions. They should be willing to devise a plan of action with you to help you get where you want to go, and therefore will be vocal in support of your next promotion or further training opportunities.
    Mentors are those you turn to give you career advice, guidance, and coaching. Developing these relationships may help you shape the next steps in your career, so choose your mentors wisely! A good rule of thumb is to look ahead at the position you’d like to have in three-five years’ time and approach the person currently in that role to help you get there. Remember: a mentor doesn’t need to be part of your company or team, it could be anyone who you believe will offer you valuable advice.
    Maintain positive mental health and wellbeing
    In the life of a recruiter – some days are harder than others. You may need to work late to fill a last-minute placement, or you may feel overwhelmed with back-to-back candidate registrations. While these moments are unavoidable for the most part, you should aim to protect your personal time as best you can. This is because a healthy work/life balance is key to well-being. One way to do this is to treat your personal engagements with the same amount of respect that you’d treat your work engagements. Tell your manager that you have an exercise class or a special dinner reservation booked, so you’ll have to leave on time. Being open with your team about your personal commitments will encourage others to do the same and earn you respect at work for maintaining those significant aspects of your personal life.
    During the webinar, Matthew talked about the importance of being open with your colleagues about times you may be suffering from mental ill-health. If they don’t know you’re struggling, they can’t step in and help. A common point of anxiety among many workers right now is the anticipation of returning to the office. If you’re finding the transition challenging, raise it with your manager, as they should be able to step in and help you get back to feeling your best.
    The pandemic may have felt like a pause (or, in some cases, a step back) in your career, but working arrangements are now changing and you should be able to get back on your feet. We hope the above tips help you overcome any obstacles you’re up against and allow you to emerge better prepared and ready to succeed!
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